South Korea is expected to replace Japan in 2044, and the oldest aging is the most serious country

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.09.06

Statistics released by the South Korean Department of Statistics on September 5 shows that by 2044, the proportion of South Korea's 65th and above population is expected to reach 36.7%, the highest in the world.

Yonian Society quoted data reports that South Korea will replace Japan in 2044 and become the most aging country.Japan is expected to reach 36.5%of the total population in 2044 and above.The South Korean Department of Statistics predicted in 2019 that South Korea will become the worst aging country in the world in 2045.

It is reported that the latest forecast is based on the UN global population outlook and the South Korean Department of Statistics' population forecast for South Korea from 2020 to 2070.

The data of the South Korean Department of Statistics predict that South Korea ’s 65th and above people account for 17.5%, 20%in 2025, and 46.4%in 2070.

The survey released by the South Korean government in July this year shows that as of November 1, 2021, the total population of South Korea was 51.738 million, a decrease of 91,000 from the previous year.This is the first negative population growth since South Korea since 1949.

According to the relevant United Nations standards, more than 14%of the population over 65 will enter the aging society, and more than 20%is a super -aged society.

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