United Nations Report: Can't achieve the established goals of gender equality by 2030

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.09.09

Xinhua News Agency, United Nations, September 7th. The UN Women's Agency and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Ministry of Economic Affairs) issued a report on the 7th that the international community cannot achieve the established goals of gender equality in the sustainable development goals by 2030. It takes nearly 300 years to achieve gender equality according to the current advancement speed.

According to this report of "Gender Snapshot of 2022", it takes 286 years to eliminate gender discrimination laws and reduce gender law protection in the current speed; it takes 140 years to enable women to serve as leadership in the workplace.

This is a pedestrian signal light shot on the streets of Madrid on March 6, 2021. Madrid, Spain cost 22,000 euros in 2017, replaced 288 pedestrian signal lights at 72 intersections. There are different images such as dressing and holding hands to call on gender equality. Xinhua News Agency reporter Meng Dingbo Photo

The report revealed the impact of global challenges such as the new crown epidemic, violent conflict, and climate change, as well as the retrogression of women's rights in sex and reproductive health.

"Global Crisis has made women's conditions in income, safety, education, and health even worse. The longer the trend of women in income, safety, education and health.

Siptelisano, Assistant Secretary -General of the Social Department, said: "The global crisis is endangering the realization of sustainable development goals. The foundation of continuous development goals. "(Reporter Wang Jianang)

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