Russia said that the United States has tried to delay the Ukrainian crisis Ukraine's defense said that the United States will provide new military aid

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.09.09

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 8th. Comprehensive reporters from Xinhua News Agency reported that the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency Nareshkin said on the 8th that the United States will still do its best to delay the Ukraine crisis. Ukraine Minister of Defense Leznikov said on the 8th that the United States will provide Ukraine with a new batch of military assistance worth $ 675 million.

——The round table conference held at the Russian History Society on the 8th stated that the United States and its allies used Ukraine as a bridgehead to attack Russia, and the United States will still do its best to delay the Ukraine crisis. Nareshkin said that in order to maintain its hegemony, the United States is provoking tensions around the world. But "History tells us that any attempt to rule the world inevitably ended in failure."

——The Minister of Defense, Ukraine, issued a post on social media on the 8th, thanking the United States for providing U.S. for a new batch of military aid worth $ 675 million in military aid. The military aid provided by the United States will include grenades, artillery and ammunition, armored ambulance, anti -tank system and other weapons and equipment.

——Trase spokesman Konashenkov reported on the 8th that the Ukrainian army did not continue to take offensive operations in the direction of Nicholaeev-Crivro, and the Russian army continued , Premium, personnel and military equipment for precise blows. In the past day, the Ukrainian army lost 2 tanks, 6 walking vehicles, 5 other armored vehicles, and 7 pickups equipped with heavy machine guns in this direction. There were more than 190 people with living power. The Russian army destroyed the five rocket artillery and ammunition libraries of the Ukraine.

—— Russian Prime Minister Michase Beijing stated at the Moscow Financial Forum on the 8th that Western had unprecedented sanctions on Russia, but did not achieve its goal of destroying Russian finance. The cooperation between the Russian government and the central bank has greatly reduced the negative impact on Russia's sanctions. Russia has taken measures to curb the outflow of funds and ensure the normal operation of banks and other financial institutions. The ruble exchange rate is basically stable. In the West, Russian energy exports have increased Russian oil and gas income by nearly 50%.

——The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website released on the 8th that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a photo to the Romanian office in Russia on the same day, announcing that a staff member of the Romanian ambassador to Russia was a "unpopular person" to respond to the previous Luo Fang. An announcement of a staff member of the Russian Embassy as "unpopular people".

——Anly reported on the 8th, Ukrainian President Zelei Sky met with the visit to the US Secretary of State Brills on the day of Kyiv.

——The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the 7th stating that as a response to the EU's restrictions on Russia's individual and legal persons, Russia banned the following personnel from entering Russia: EU's highest military leader, senior officials of EU member states, and provided military workers to Ukraine with military industry Representatives of domestic weapons and military technology manufacturers of products.

——Anly reported on the 7th, the commander -in -chief of the Wuxi Armed Forces Zalu and the highest Lada (Parliament) National Security, National Defense and Intelligence Commission, Mihailo Zabrodsky It is said that the tension between Russia and Ukraine will not end this year, and it cannot completely rule out the possibility of some countries directly involved in the Ukraine crisis that leads to limited nuclear conflicts.

——Akland Airborne Commander Command posted on the 7th on the 7th that the Ukraine shot down two Russian Su-25 fighters on the 7th. According to Utong News Agency, the Wuxi Air Defense Forces shot down a Russian-52 helicopter over Hermuson that day.

——The German government issued a notice on the 7th that German Chancellor Tsunani said on the phone with Ukraine President Zelezki that day said that Germany would not stop supporting Ukraine in terms of military, political, fiscal, and humanitarianism. (Participate in reporters: Yellow River, Li Dongxu, Li Ming, Huadi, Li Chao)

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