The Legend of the British Queen has witnessed 15 British Prime Minister change in 70 years

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.09

Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8th in Barlolburg, Scotland. At the age of 96, her eldest son and crown prince Charles inherited the throne.

From 1952 to 2022, 70 years later, the world changed rapidly, but the British Queen Elizabeth II was as stable as a rock and became the longest -lasting monarch in Britain. In many people's hearts, she not only witnessed history, but her experience is a living history book. Her (for the British) selfless dedication is not only admired in China, but also praised the world.

On February 6, 2022, photos of Queen Elizabeth II displayed on Pipkadili Plaza in London, England. Xinhua News Agency/Fa Xin

[The throne of "fall from the sky"]

Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926. In 1936, the British King Edward VIII, who was only 325 days, announced his abdication to marry American Walles Simpson. The crowns of the year became King George VI, and Elizabeth II naturally became a "quasi -heir."

King George VI has never been trained as a crown prince. "I never thought of becoming a king. I have never read government documents. I am just a naval officer." This new king suffers from severe stuttering, and his body is slightly weak. , I have a shy personality since childhood, not adapted to the lecture. Under the crowd, George VI still assumed a heavy responsibility. Two years later, he published the Christmas speeches of the king during the outbreak of World War II, inspiring the morale of the British people.

In the United Kingdom in 1952, the whole nation was committed to reconstruction after the war. It was at this time that Elizabeth's father, George VI, died, and Elizabeth II ascended the throne. At the age of 26, she became the parent of the British royal family.

Photos of the British Queen Elizabeth II on June 12, 2021. Xinhua News Agency

Although the royal family has won public opinion in the war, after all, Elizabeth II was only 26 years old, and the public's unknown and unwillingness to her is inevitable.

Therefore, Elizabeth II breaks the tradition again and again, and strives to closer the distance between the royal family and the people: Shortly after boarding the throne, the Queen and husband Prince Philip began a small informal lunch party in Buckingham Palace to entertain outstanding people; early In the 1960s, the British royal family produced and disclosed the first documentary "royal family" about the royal life; in 1962, the Queen also opened a exhibition hall specializing in the royal collection in Buckingham Palace. Open to ordinary people once.

It was through this series of measures that Elizabeth II realized a smooth transition from the early stage of the throne to the "mature queen".

[Witness 15 British Prime Minister Missing in 70 years]

Under the constitutional monarchy, the queen does not directly participate in politics and discuss politics, just meet the Prime Minister for an hour every Tuesday afternoon. She was fixed in the position of "actor": she could not expose her emotions, and always kept neutral -this also became the keywords of Elizabeth II.

On October 14, 2019, in London, UK, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom took a carriage to the parliament to attend the opening ceremony of the new Parliament in the UK. Xinhua News Agency

So far, she has visited over 100 countries and regions and has delivered thousands of speeches.

1965 was the 20th anniversary of the end of World War II. Elizabeth II visited West Germany and launched a 10 -day state visit, marking the reconciliation of the British and German enemies, and was also regarded as the recognition of Germany's advent of a strong country in Europe and the international community. This is the first time that the British monarch has officially visited West since 1913.

On April 17, 1982, Elizabeth II officially signed a bill in Canada to transfer the constitutional amendment of the Canadian Constitution from the British Parliament to the Canadian Parliament. So far, Canada and the United Kingdom have ended the special relationship in the Constitution.

On October 13, 1986, Elizabeth II and Prince Philip visited China. She was the first British monarch to visit China. During his visit to China, the Queen boarded the Great Wall. After leaving Beijing, he visited Shanghai, Xi'an, Kunming and Guangzhou, and then visited Hong Kong.

According to statistics, During the reign of Elizabeth II, I experienced a total of 15 British Prime Minister from Winston Churchill to Elizabeth Tellas. On September 6 this year, Elizabeth Tras, who was just elected as the British Conservative Party, accepted the official appointment of Queen Elizabeth II in Scotland and became the new Prime Minister of the UK.

In the past 70 years, Elizabeth II can be described as hard work, and almost did not settle any official duties. In the folk, according to the Sunday Times survey, who cares more about folk suffering, 35%of the respondents chose the queen, only 9%chose politicians. Among the more than 1,000 interviewees, 28%of the Queen believed that the Queen knew the people's conditions, far higher than 9%of politicians. 67%think she is the greatest or at least one of the greatest monarchs in the UK. 73%of the respondents in favor of retaining the monarchy.

The outside world believes that the queen can always adhere to work until 96 years old, one reason is her lofty sense of responsibility for the British royal family; and the other reason is that her heirs Prince Charles's reputation among the people is really average. The British royal family reputation has been corrupted by half. 【Marry for Love】

Elizabeth is the queen and cannot decide her career, but she chose to marry love.

In 1939, 13 -year -old Elizabeth met her future husband, when the 18 -year -old young officer Philip. Beginning in January 1941, Felipi has served with British warships in Alexander, Egypt. During this period, the two of them passed their love, and the long -handed signaling feelings continued to heat up.

Elizabeth's father and the then British King George VI was not satisfied with Philip. In the end, in order to marry his heart, Philip gave up the inheritance of the Greek throne, and his surname that originally belonged to the Greek royal family.

On November 20, 1947, 21 -year -old Elizabeth and Philip held a grand wedding ceremony in the Cathedral of Westminster, London.

On November 14, 1948, Elizabeth gave birth to the first child of the two in Buckingham Palace, Charles Philip Arthur George, and then gave birth to Princess Anne in 1950. He gave birth to Prince Andrew in 1960 and gave birth to Prince Edward.

The photos taken on June 10, 2016 showed that in London, the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Philip participated in the national Thanksgiving ceremony to leave St. Paul's Cathedral. Xinhua News Agency

Prince Philip also set a record for the longest task of performing royal partners and retired in 2017. From 1952 to 2017, according to the statistics of Buckingham Palace, Prince Philip personally attended 22,219 domestic and foreign events, delivered 5,496 speeches, and served as a sponsor, person in charge or member of 785 organizations.

On April 9, 2021, Prince Philip died at the age of 99. At the funeral ceremony of about 50 minutes, the black dress and dignified queen sat lonely sitting, sad, and made a final farewell with her husband who was 73 years old.

The royal couple often wrote love letters to each other during their love period to express their love. In order to maintain this sweet tradition, the Queen wrote the last letter to Prince Philip and put the letter on the top of his coffin. The part of the letter was "I love you".

On the day before the funeral, the queen also shared a private photo of her and Prince Philip. This photo was taken in 2003 and had never been released before. The text of the photo quotes the Queen's own words: "For so many years, he has always been my strength and pillar, and my entire family, his country, and many other countries owe him. many."

[Lead the royal family to keep pace with the times]

The childhood experience made the queen understand the significant responsibility early.

In 1940, Nazi Germany launched a large -scale air combat against Britain. In the meantime, George VI, the parents of Elizabeth II, adhered to the Buckingham Palace and let her and her sister Margarete stay in Windsor Castle, becoming a symbol of the royal family's refusal to exile.

According to historical records, German bombers hit the Buckingham Palace 7 times during this period. The young Elizabeth II and her sister were often awakened by a rushing alert in their sleep. Sometimes they couldn't even change their pajamas, so they had to rush into the underground bunkers.

In April 1942, on the occasion of the 19th birthday, Elizabeth II participated in the women's auxiliary service team of the British army, and the rank was the second lieutenant. She studied driving in London and learned how to disassemble and maintain heavy cars.

In the past 70 years, the Queen has been exhausted to save the monarchy. She deeply realized that if she wants to survive, she must conform to the historical trend. Therefore, she always does more things that are conducive to existing order in order to fight for people's favor. In general, her efforts were successful, and the British royal family became the most dazzling royal family in the world.

On May 17, 2022, in London, England, Queen Elizabeth II attended the unveiling ceremony of the Elizabeth Line. The Elizabeth Line was a new railway that runs through London. Xinhua News Agency

Last year, according to media reports, Queen Zeng declined the title of "Elderly" awarded by a British magazine, saying that he did not meet the relevant conditions. The reason is: Believe in the mentality determines the age of a person.

Queen is used to drinking a glass of Du Songzi wine cocktail in the morning, drinking a glass of wine at lunch, and drinking a glass of champagne at night. She will not spend a lot of money to buy anti -aging high cream, but use some popular care products. When showing up in public, she always painted lipstick and always paid attention to applying sunscreen.

She also opened an account on social networking sites to pay taxes for private income, cut off the royal family members to reduce the burden on the country, publicize the royal family to publicize the Internet, remind staff to turn off the lights and save electricity, and log in to advertising recruitment staff. Prince Charles was allowed to marry a divorced woman Camilla; allowing Prince William to marry a civilian Kate. Critics have repeatedly emphasized that the greatest achievement of Elizabeth II is that she made the monarchy adapting to modern society.

For many people in the UK, the queen is not only a national symbol, but also has an influence on the people's clothing, food, housing and transportation. In the fashion circle of the British, there is a word specifically left to the British Queen- "Queen style". Due to the changes in the trend of the fashion industry, the Queen Queen's dress style has never fallen behind for 70 years.

[Speaking: After Charles is ascended, Camillaco is the queen] On July 29, 1981, Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's eldest son Charles and Prince Diana married Princess Diana, known as a century wedding.

On August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was ordered in Paris due to a car accident. The Queen's initial response was criticized. Later, her attitude changed significantly. The tension between the royal family and the public gradually faded with time.

In addition to Crown Prince Charles, the marriage between Elizabeth II's two children Annie and Andrew also failed in 1992. That year, the Queen's Windsor Castle was severely damaged in a fire. To this end, she calls this year "a year of disaster."

On February 6, this year, Queen Elizabeth II ushered in the 70th anniversary of the ascension. She issued a statement on the same day that after Crown Prince Charles was reigning in the future, his wife Camilla would have the title of queen.

In the statement, the Queen said that after the Crown Prince of Charles ascended to the throne, his wife Camilla was called the queen, and hoped that people would support Charles and Camilla like supporting themselves.

Charles responded on the same day: "We deeply aware of the glory of our mother's wish." Camilla "has always been my firm supporter."

On June 5, 2022, the British celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Queen's ascension, and the Queen Elizabeth II (third from left) and his family waved on the balcony of the Buckingham Palace in London. Xinhua News Agency

Charles and Camilla got married in 2005. At that time, many British people still loved and missed Charles' first wife and the late Princess Diana. It was difficult to accept Camilla to become the queen one day.

According to Agence France -Presse, there was a previous news that after Charles inherited the throne, Camilla's title would be "princess", which has no precedent in British history and is not in law.

(Source: Integrated from Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Xinhuanet, Global Network, Reference News Network, Southern Character Weekly, Phoenix Network Yangtze River Daily reporter Li Yuying integration)

【Edit: Zhang Jing】

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