India levies 20%tariffs on some exported rice

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.09.10

Xinhua News Agency, New Delhi, September 9 (Reporter Hu Xiaoming) The Indian government announced on the 8th that it will impose 20%tariffs on some export rice to ensure domestic food supply.

The Indian Ministry of Finance issued an announcement that night saying that starting from September 9, 20%export tax will be levied to rice except steamed Valley rice and Indian fragrant rice, and it will be prohibited from exports of broken rice.

This year, the rainfall of major rice production areas such as Bangladesh, Biba, and North Fangzang in India is lower than the average level, which has caused people to worry about rice production.In May, India announced the ban on wheat exit.

According to reports, India accounts for more than 40%of the global rice exports, and Indian rice exports last year reached a record 21.5 million tons.People in the industry believe that the reduction of Indian rice exports will increase the upward pressure of food prices, and jointly increase global grain prices with factors such as drought, heat waves and Ukraine crises.

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