U.S. crime rate surge in Houston to cancel the victim's name reading ceremony: take a few hours after reading

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.09.25

Overseas Network, September 24th. According to the US Fox News Network on the 24th, due to the surge in US crime rate, Houston's "stop crime" organization canceled the annual ceremony of the name of the victim of the murder of the murder. a couple of hours.

On the 25th local time, the relatives of the victims of some murders in the United States will gather in Houston to participate in the annual activity of the theme "Stop Crime", and to pay tribute to the victims of the murderers of Harris County from August 2021 to August 2022, 2021 to August 2022 Essence

In previous years, the organizers would read the name of each murder victim. However, due to the surge in crime rates across the United States this year, the number of victims has also surged, and the organizer can only cancel the reading ceremony and let the name scroll on the large screen. The organizer said, "There are too many names, it will take several hours after reading loudly."

The Houston Police Department said that as of the morning of September 22, the largest city in Texas had reported 323 murders. Throughout 2021, a murder case occurred in Houston, which was higher than 261 in 2020. In 2022, there were also many cases involving children in the local area, and many people were shot unexpectedly.

Local resident McKinville said, "This kind of thing has touched our heartstrings and we can have done better. I hope my children can walk on the streets of any community at night without worrying about being shot and shooting. Become a safe place, not the list of deaths. "(Overseas network Yang Jia)

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