A pair of "salty pig hands", knocking down Johnson

Author:Global figure Time:2022.07.07

Overwhelming Johnson's last straw,

It was his former "dead party."

Author: Chen Jiali Liu Shuyang

Edit: Chen Jiali

For a few days in a row, the entire British politics is struggling with a question:

How long can Johnson's persistence? How many weeks, days or hours?

The answer is 48 hours.

Johnson, who has always believed that Johnson, who insisted on "not resigning", failed to take care of the pressure and announced on the 7th that he resigned as the leader of the Conservative Party, but he would stay as the Prime Minister until the first party of the new party this fall.

· Johnson made a resignation speech, listed a series of achievements during his tenure, and said he was "very proud."

After surviving the "Party Gate" scandal, I have survived the party's unwilling voting, overwhelming Johnson's last straw, which is Johnson's "dead party" -Christopher Ping Che.

Previously, the Conservative Vice Party whipping was exposed to the "salty pig hand" and resigned on June 30. Subsequently, more cases about his unsuccessful behavior were exposed.

Because Pinche was promoted by Johnson, Johnson once concealed whether he knew that his product was still appointing, and finally acknowledged "lying", and he had known himself.

As a result, a huge political earthquake broke out: within two days, more than 50 government officials resigned and had a collapsed wave of resignation.

Johnson, who was forced to the edge of the cliff, had to choose to choose.

Johnson, who has been the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on July 24, 2019, will become one of the shortest British Prime Ministers in history.

Reapped yesterday

On June 29, 2022, Ping Che was drunk at a club in London and molested two men.

The next day, Ping Che admitted that the incident "let himself and others be ashamed" and submitted his resignation to Johnson.

But for this deputy party whip that he was appointed, Johnson tried to defender, and he had to expel Ping Che to be expelled from the Conservative Party.

The situation became more and more intense, Johnson was under pressure -in the words of an opposition leader, he was "kicking and dragging on action" before he suspended the position of Pingjia Conservatives.

· Johnson is peaceful (right).

However, it is surprising that Ping Che will still stay in the parliament as a non -party person.

Obviously, the results of this treatment cannot be convinced. Many Conservative MPs began to "vote with their feet" and eventually happened.

Johnson was resigned for the first time, but it was not the first time that Ping Che broke his political future because of the "salty pig hand".

Five years ago, Ping Che was accused of misconduct by a man. At that time, Pingche had just left the field in the post of the Minister of the Grandmine Palace and the Conservative Assistant Party whip, and then left the field.

Just 2 months later, in January 2018, Ping Che was used by then Prime Minister Tresa May as the royal financial director and the Deputy Party of Conservative Party.

I was afraid that the scars would forget the pain, and the speed of recovering was fast. It was still a problem whether there was no "scar".

After the sexual harassment East Window on June 29, 2022, on July 3, six new allegations against him for the improper behavior over the years.

According to British media reports, a complainant provided the British government in February and expressed concern about the important position of Ping Che as the deputy party whip of the Conservative Party.

Fake freedom, really indulgent

On July 1 this year, the British "Guardian" published an article about Ping Che, the title "Chris Ping Che: a" free man who does not like state intervention ".

The article mentioned that in an interview with Ping Che as a regional member in the early days, he said: "I think the government has the responsibility to stay away from people's lives as much as possible."

He regarded the British citizen ID (news at the time that the British government launched the ID card system) as a threat: "I strongly oppose the Minister of the Interior and tell me what should be brought in the wallet. Who am I, they should believe who I said 'I'. "

· Ping Che.

This "view of freedom" has long been clues.

When he was not elected as a regional member, the local county council wanted to close a school with a history of 400 years -this is part of the local education reform plan. Pingjian opposed it, and the school's closure plan was canceled. He said that this was "the victory of the people's power."

Born in 1969 in a place called Wal Sol in Stafford County. After graduating from the London School of Political Economics, he became an employee of a consulting company. After 1984-1985 British miners' strikes, they joined the Conservative Party.

In 2005, he ran for the first campaign of Missionarian Tamworth. He ended up with failure. After 5 years, he was compensated to win this seat that was occupied by the Labor Party for 14 years.

After Johnson became the Prime Minister, he served as Minister of Britain and America and the Minister of Housing Affairs.

It is reported that in addition to the status of politicians, Ping Che also wrote articles about wine tasting for magazines, and is also a member of the London Travelers Club.

Regardless of how the position is rising, the belief of highly respected "freedom" seems to have not changed.

But is that really "freedom"? Does "free man" mean unrestrained?

Simon McDonald, a member of the British Parliament and senior diplomats, said that shortly after being appointed by the Minister of State in Pinghe in the summer of 2019, many people identified his behavior. The investigation of that year identified this situation, and Ping Qi apologized and promised not to do so. However, two years later, Ping Che set off a stir.

Perhaps as the "Guardian" article said:

"Chris Pinche may be comforted from his favorite story -Kenis Graham's" Liu Lin Wind " -Of course, this story involves a reckless character, and he needs the help of friends to save the help Own.

In "Liu Lin's Wind", toad realized that his slutty and excessive lifestyle was wrong, and he had lived a happy life since then.

There will be a beautiful ending to be observed if the situation of Pingjian needs to be observed, but he undoubtedly needs friends. "

Johnson can only be regarded as a friend who is difficult to protect.

The largest betrayal of betrayal

In fact, Ping Che is just a chance to let the people and the party dissatisfied with Johnson found another opportunity to fall down.

For the people who were looking forward to the Johnson government, under the double pinch of the labor market brought about by the epidemic and "Brexit", coupled with the high oil price crisis caused by the Russian and Ukraine War, the pressure of life cost was overwhelmed.

On the other hand, Johnson has been a scandal since taking office: huge funding for private houses, suspected of obtaining high -paying positions for relatives, and "party doors" scandals during the epidemic period.

On June 6, the "1922 Committee" of the Conservative Party of the British Parliament launched the ruling party in the ruling party's distrust of impeachment against the Prime Minister. 148 members voted to support impeachment (211 votes opposed).

These all made Johnson a lot of pressure.

Due to the current rules, the party hosted by the "1922 Committee" may not be impeached within one year after the impeachment of the Prime Minister's impeachment.

Therefore, public opinion was originally expected to be able to stand up for a while. I did not expect that the "political bomb" was suddenly detonated and objectively accelerated Johnson's fall.

In just two days, Johnson encountered the largest betrayal.

Due to questioning of Johnson's credibility, at least 54 cabinet officials resigned. This figure is close to half of the entire cabinet, which is a very rare scene in British political history.

As soon as the resignation left, the newly replaced "substitute" was immediately fell.

Zahawi, who has just been appointed as the new financial minister for less than 24 hours, has persuaded Johnson to resign with the Minister of the Interior and the New Minister of Transportation on July 6 to persuade Johnson to resign.

Even the England and the chief prosecutor of Wales, who have been firmly supported by Johnson, have previously stated publicly that they "are willing to run for the election."

British public opinion survey agency YOUGOV said that the number of people in the Conservative Party asked Johnson to step down more than the number of people who wanted him to stay, which was the first time.

The country is in a state of isolation and helplessness. Internationally, Johnson's messy performance is also surprising.

Sanctioning Russia and providing military aid to Ukraine affected Britain's fiscal distribution, causing money to be sent to Ukraine in the right place.

At the G7 summit, Johnson publicly provoked Putin and proposed that everyone changed its clothing to the chest muscles. In this way, the cold humor of the occasion attracted doubts and laughter, and let the world see a joke.

At home and abroad, Johnson is pushing Britain to one mud one after another.

Seeing that the general trend has gone, choosing to resign may keep the last face for Johnson.

Director: Lu Hong

- END -

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