Johnson said that he would continue to be the prime minister of the Cabinet, conservative party politicians: leave the Prime Minister's throne now!

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.08

[Global Times Special Journalist Ji Shuangcheng Chen Kang Liu Yupeng] The scandal British Prime Minister Johnson finally announced his resignation of the Conservative Party on the 7th at noon on the 7th local time, but he claimed that he would continue to be the Prime Minister of the Cabinet Cabinet until the Conservative Party selected the new party. In his resignation speech, he did not recognize his recent scandal. Instead, he boasted his achievements and said that "how sad it is to give up the best job in the world." In this regard, many conservative party and politicians expressed dissatisfaction, and they believe that Johnson should leave the Prime Minister's throne now. The leader of the Opposition Labor Party warned that the Labor Party may conduct unbelver votes on the Johnson government because Johnson continues to serve as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet "unfair to the entire country."

Johnson data map.

Johnson "did not recognize the mistake"

At noon on the 7th local time, Johnson walked out of the gate 10 of Tangning Street and delivered a speech. He announced that he resigned as the prestigious party, but he would stay as the Prime Minister until the first conservative party. He said that the timetable for choosing the first party will be announced next week.

For why he made (resigning) decisions for so long, Johnson said that he has always "keen to complete the task given by voters in person and fulfill his commitment to be my responsibility and obligation." He is "proud of his achievements", including completing Brexit, giving Britain to survive new crown pneumonia epidemic, and leading the West to "fight against Ukraine". He said that he had persuaded his colleagues to replace the leader "very strange" when the Conservative Party had "extensive authorization", but eventually persuaded to fail. He blamed this situation on Westminster's "herd effect". He said that although "things look dark now, it will be golden in the future." He said he wanted the public to know "how sad it is to give up the best job in the world."

Regarding Johnson's unhappy resignation statement, Broadcasting Corporation said angrily that although Johnson mentioned recent negative news, he did not recognize this series of scandals. He tried to make people think that resignation was completely the fault of those colleagues, not his own fault. His "fault" was just not convinced his colleagues.

Earlier in the morning on the 7th, hundreds of people have gathered here to protest high oil prices and high inflation problems outside the Prime Minister's house. They have gathered here, waiting for Johnson to come out of Tangning Street to announce their resignation. After Johnson walked out of the door, the crowd began to sing "Boris, it's time to leave" with a tweeter.

There were also international media reporters who were lined up outside the Prime Minister's Mansion on the same day. A reporter from South Africa George told a special reporter of the Global Times that this situation made him feel that British politics was no longer the kind of serious and stable prime minister from the textbook when he was a child. Resign "Force Palace". He believes that the key to the British political party is too exaggerated. He hopes that the British's future ruling party, no matter who it is, can learn the lessons of 4 prime ministers for 6 years, and serve the people at ease.

He left the "stain that cannot be removed"

"Johnson's resignation is good news for the United Kingdom, and it should have happened long ago." The Labor Party's first Tatmore said on the 7th that Johnson has always been unsuitable as a prime minister. "He should have such a large -scale lie and scandal. Responsible for deception. " He warned that the Labor Party might not vote on the Johnson government because Johnson continued to serve as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet "unfair to the country."

The British financial market also responded positively to Johnson's resignation. In the early morning of the 7th, after the news of Johnson's upcoming resignation, the British FTSE 100 index immediately rose by more than 1%. The exchange rate of the pound against the US dollar also rose by 0.75%. In Blackpool, UK, Mrs. Tussauds took out Johnson's wax figure and put it in front of a local employment center, which meant that he would "find a job."

"Johnson's resignation, he finally yielded to the government's large -scale resignation." The British Sky News said that many people in the Conservative Party were still dissatisfied with Johnson's continued to stay as the Prime Minister. Many people call for the temporary deputy prime minister Lab or others to serve as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. Johnson's former assistant Kaminae urged the Conservative Party to be removed immediately. Kaminus said on Twitter: "He should expel him today, otherwise he will still cause a great disaster (the Conservative Party)."

Former British Prime Minister Mei Jie said that he had sent a letter to the chairman of the Conservative Party's "1922 Committee" to warn that Johnson continued to stay as the Prime Minister as "unwise" because he still had the right to "make a decision to affect the lives of the British people." Mei Jie said, "For the sake of the country's well -being, Johnson should not stay on Tangning Street ..." For some people think that the new cabinet will "limit" Johnson, Mei Jie questioned "why did the former cabinet do not do this."

Scottish Chief Minister Stecorus tweeted that Britain finally had a sense of "universal liberation", and "chaos" was about to end. Curob, the deputy party of the Liberty Democratic Party, also said that Johnson will "go into history with a lie that violated the law, and he abuses the British people's trust and patience about him." She said: "He will leave a stain that the Conservative Party will never be removed."

Who is the next "Johnson"

Although Johnson has announced his resignation, many analysts believe that British political turmoil may continue and affect internal affairs, economy and diplomacy.

The BBC said that the last thing Johnson did before his resignation was to refuse to apply for an independent referendum in Scotland. He said to Stergin, the chief minister of Scotland on Wednesday that he had not yet held the second independent referendum in Scotland. In this regard, Stergin posted on Twitter: "It is clear that Scotland has the opportunity to choose independence -I hope that it will be held on October 19, 2023, but if not, then it will be held by a game. Election. Scotland will not be the prime minister or any prime minister of any prime minister. "For Johnson's resignation, the office director of Ukraine President Zelekiski, Podoliak, left a message on Twitter on the 7th that Kyiv" thanks to Johnson ... … Standing at the forefront of supporting Ukraine. "

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zaharava said on the 7th that British Prime Minister Johnson expects to resign and show a serious political crisis in the country. She said that everyone knew that (Western) Liberalist regime was in the worst political, ideological, and economic crisis, and uncontrollable and chaos was its main feature.

The Vice Chairman of the Russian Federal Security Conference, Modvedev, said: "Johnson's resignation is the result of the British arrogance, rude peace and mediocrity. , Related news of Poland and Polish countries. "

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