Twin belly fighting?Obstetrician

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.04

Most twins are protected by amniotic sac in the mother's belly, which is equivalent to two "rooms". Coupled with the protection of amniotic fluid, the fetus will not be injured.

Recently, the content of "twins in the belly in the stomach was bruised after birth" uploaded by Bao Ma caused heated discussions. In this regard, obstetricians at Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Hospital said that twins are unlikely to fight in the belly. Most twins are protected by amniotic sac in the mother's belly, which is equivalent to two "rooms". Coupled with the protection of amniotic fluid, the fetus will not be injured. The scars on the head mentioned in the video may be caused by the child deficiency of calcium; as for the bruises after birth, the newborn is basically there. Slowly disappear.

Source: Jiangsu Radio and Television-Litchi News

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