The twins are bruised after the birth of the twins?Obstetrician: Unlikely, twins have two amniotic sacs, similar to two "rooms"

Author:Nine Pai News Time:2022.09.04

Recently, a twin uploaded by Bao Ma was bruised after she was fighting in her belly, causing heated discussions. In this regard, obstetricians said that twins fight in the belly.

The online video shows that the twin brothers did not give up when they were in their stomachs. They "punched and kicked" in the mother's belly. After the twins were born, they were "bruised" everywhere, and there were scars on their heads.

Mom also nicknamed: These imprints are born by yourself. Don't blame your mother when you grow up! Netizens can't cry and laugh after watching it, so is the "birthmark" come like this?

According to the "Litchi Health" of Jiangsu Radio and Television Station, in response to this, obstetricians from Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Hospital said that most twins are protected by amniotic sac in the mother's belly, which is equivalent to two "rooms", plus amniotic fluid, and amniotic fluid. Protective, fetus will not be injured.

The scars on the head mentioned in the video may be caused by the child deficiency of calcium; as for the bruises after birth, the newborn is basically there. Slowly disappear.

Public information shows that Mongolian spots are congenital dermal melanocytes. Because babies are born, they are also known as pediatric moles. It can occur in any part of the body and is more common in the lumbosacral and hips. As the baby grows, the color of the Mongolian spots gradually fade or disappear, without any harm, but not special treatment.

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive "Litchi Health", etc.]

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