Choose the right underwear for the baby, and see these three points enough

Author:Lilac mother Time:2022.09.21

Select the product with qualified labels

When buying baby underwear, parents should not just look at the price, let alone pursue brand names. They must learn to see the tag label.

For babies 0 to 3 years old, the labels of textile supplies must indicate the words such as Class A, infant supplies, and GB18401-2010. Babies over 3 years of age can also be Class B, but if it is marked with Class C, do not buy it.

Don't buy underwear without qualified logos. If it is a clothing produced after July 2020, it must be marked with the logo of FZ/T 73025-2019.

At the same time, the quality level of the underwear should be at least qualified, and it must also have a standard washing instructions (Figure 1, 2, 3) [1].

figure 1

figure 2

image 3

Choose comfortable materials, appropriate color and size

In terms of material, it is best to choose a cotton material with strong, breathable, and elasticity.

Color is recommended to be pure white or light, and it cannot be cleaned, reducing the harm to the baby's body such as dyeing agents. According to the quality level of clothing, it is generally divided into qualified products, first -class products and superior products. The higher the level, the higher the color fastness (see Figure 1).

In terms of size, do not wear a loose underwear for your baby, but it is not enough to leave obvious marks on your baby. The most ideal size is that after the baby puts it on, it can reach a finger of an adult.

The waist of the underwear should be elastic, so that the baby is convenient for it to put on and take off.

You can choose the triangle or flat -angle. The triangular underwear is more personal, the flat -angle underwear is more loose, and its advantages have their own advantages. If the baby's thighs are thicker and the triangle underwear is better, the trousers are not easy to curl. If the baby's buttocks are relatively fat, the flat -angle underwear may be more suitable, and it is not easy to pinch into the small fart.

Most babies like to sit up and sit up. In order to better protect the baby's privacy and not infected, try to choose the crotch for thickened underwear.

The baby's skin is delicate, and it is best to choose the anti -seamless design, that is, there is no suture line on the side, the suture line and the washing label are placed on the outside to reduce the friction of the skin.

Transition from training pants first

Babies who have just started toilet training can first wear training pants. It is similar to small underwear, but the crotch is thicker than ordinary underwear and strong water absorption. When the baby urinates pants, the urine will not leak on the floor. But the baby can still feel the discomfort of wetness, which helps to train independent defecation.

After training to a certain degree, replace it with ordinary underwear.


[1] Zhao Jinyu. The revised version of "National Textile Products Basic Safety Technical Specifications" will be implemented from August this year. [J]. Non -woven cloth, 2012,20 (01): 26.

[2] Li Hui, Zheng Shaoming.fz/T 73025—2019 "Infant Knitting Clothing" new standard interpretation [J]. Fujian light spinning, 2020 (10): 49-51.

[3] 37 national standard foreign texts such as "Infant and Toddler and Children's Textile Product Safety Technical Specifications", which are approved for release [J]. Textile testing and standards, 2017, 3 (06): 14.

[4] comportable- underwear

Experts in this article

Liu Fang

Cooperative expert

Deputy Chief Physician of Child Health Care and Development of Binzhou Medical College Affiliated Hospital

Ma Xuemei

Review expert

Deputy Chief Physician


Produced: MEI

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