Ministry of Education: Education investment in ten years is increased by more than 3 trillion yuan for compulsory education

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.09.27

The reporter learned from the press conference of the Ministry of Education on the 27th that the total investment in education in the country increased from 2.4 trillion yuan in 2011 to 5.8 trillion yuan in 2021. National fiscal education expenditures accounted for more than 4%for 10 consecutive years.

In the past ten years, the increasing investment in education is only 3 trillion yuan, an average of 300 billion yuan per year. Where do these money use? Guo Peng, director of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Education, introduced that the structure of education funding was further optimized and adjusted, and generally presented "more than three and half": in education at all levels, more than half of the compulsory education; Salary and treatment; more than half of each area is used in the central and western regions.

First, compulsory education is given priority guarantee. The funds for compulsory education in national fiscal education funds reached 2.3 trillion yuan in 2021, an average annual increase of 8.9%; in the past ten years, the proportion has been maintained more than half. Compulsory education has entered the stage of high -quality balanced development from basic equilibrium.

The second is to make priority to priority of preschool education as "short and short". The national fiscal education funding for preschool education has reached 270 billion yuan in 2021, an average annual growth of 20.6%, and the fastest growth in education at all levels; the proportion of 5.9%, an increase of 3.7 from 2.2%in 2011, 3.7 Percent points have effectively promoted preschool education from the popularization of the development to the development of inclusiveness.

The third is to prioritize the priority of "three districts, three states" and other original poverty -stricken areas. The national fiscal education funds are funded in the central and western regions, accounting for more than 50%. The central government's funding for local education transfer payment funds for the central and western regions accounts for more than 80%. In particular, new education funds are given priority to support the implementation of education and poverty alleviation. The fiscal education funding for fiscal education in deep poverty -stricken areas such as "three districts and three states" reached 12.2%, exceeding the national average of 2.8 percentage points. "Developing a batch of poverty alleviation."

The fourth is to give priority to the priority of "difficulties in setting up" as "difficulties in the difficulties". Over the past ten years, the student funding policy and standard system have been continuously improved, and all sections from preschool education to graduate education, all public schools, and all family -run students' economic difficulties "three full coverage". The total amount of student funding across the country exceeded 2 trillion yuan, and the annual funding amount increased from 132.2 billion yuan in 2012 to 266.8 billion yuan in 2021, which turned it over. Students with particular difficulties such as "establishment of files" at all levels of education at all levels have been given priority funding to ensure that a student is not allowed to lose school due to family economic difficulties.

Fifth, the salary of teachers is given priority as "the root of the book". While ensuring the normal operation of the school, the purchase of equipment, the construction of the school building, and the student funding, insist on improving the wages and benefits of teachers as the first priority guarantee in the financial education expenditure, and adhere to the average salary income level of compulsory education teachers. The top priority of the leadership of civil servants' "legal requirements is given priority. Among various expenditures, the proportion of the expenses of faculty and staff is the highest. In 2021, it reached 61.6%, an increase of 12.9 percentage points from 2011, the largest increase; an average annual increase of 12.1%, significantly higher than the expenditure of fiscal education expenditure expenditures. In the average growth rate, the focus of educational expenditure gradually shifted from investing in objects to more investment.

Sichuan Observation (Source: People's Daily)

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