Where is the normal temperature vs low -temperature milk?How to choose allergies?The answer is shocking

Author:Scientific family parenting Time:2022.09.27

Before starting today's content, test everyone:

Q: How big can baby start drinking milk?

The answer is [B], have you answered right? Intersection

Everyone knows that drinking milk has many benefits. If you choose the right, you can not only supplement calcium, but also enhance immunity, but also have a certain regulating effect on insomnia ...

If you choose the wrong:

Not only that, CCTV has also exposed the "fake milk" sold on the market:

Milk has fakes. Have you already started to doubt that you choose right?

Don't worry, today HKUST teaches you how to choose! (Pure dry goods)

Choose milk, don't stare at the price, or stare at domestic and imported, the real hard standards are actually only "two views":

1. Look at the ingredient list: the simpler the better: it is best to only be "raw milk" without any additives.

2. Look at nutritional ingredients: Pure milk protein content should be ≥2.9 grams/100ml, and the content of carbohydrates is about 5 grams/100ml. Do not meet this standard!

But in the face of a variety of products on the shelves, you will really pick your eyes!

I have to say: The merchant is also very hard, and the milk can make so many tricks, making it difficult for parents to choose when choosing!

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

Room temperature vs Baba

From an intuitive perspective, milk is roughly divided into two categories: constant temperature milk and low temperature fresh milk.

The difference is as follows:

How to choose these two types?

Low -temperature fresh milk is also called Ba's milk. The main difference between it and normal temperature milk is different sterilization methods. From the perspective of calcium and high -quality protein, it is basically no different.

It depends on the baby's preference.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

Parents who are careful will find a small detail → How long is the shelf life of warm milk! Will there be a lot of additives?

Think too much!

Baswood and normal temperature milk do not contain preservatives. The difference in shelf life is just because of different thermal treatment methods! Drink with confidence!

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

It is not to hit you. Most of the modulation milk on the market, that is, "children's milk", "flavor milk", etc. In order to let the baby love to drink, add a lot of sugar and additives!

For example, the following:

The ingredient table is so "rich", there is sugar and salt, it is strongly not recommended to drink it! Do you have to drink, then find the ingredient list a little cleaner.

Full fat vs skip

Another point is also tangled by parents: choose whole fat, or take off (low) fat?

The taste and taste of whole milk are better than the fatty milk, and it is rich in fatty acids, which is important to the baby's brain development.

At the same time as removing fat milk, it also took off the fat -soluble vitamins such as vitamin D. Without the fat, the aroma of milk is gone, and the taste becomes very faint. Baby often dislikes it.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

Therefore, the baby in the age of 2 should choose to drink whole milk.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

Determine the situation!

The Hong Kong Department of Health suggested that babies within the age of 2 should drink whole milk, and they can drink low -fat milk at the age of 2 to 5, and then consider choosing skimmed milk over 5 years old.

Unless the baby is overweight or obese, you need to consult a doctor at this time, and choose the correct milk under the guidance of the doctor.

There are some treasures of milk allergic, and University of Science and Technology must also take care of it! How can this kind of baby drink for nutrition? Have you ever been with milk insulation?

First of all, parents must distinguish whether the baby is [lactose intolerance] or [milk protein allergy].

◆ Lactan intolerance: It can occur in the whole age.

If the baby is taken in the milk or dairy products → abdominal pain, gastrointestinal qi, nausea, bloating, and diarrhea, that is the manifestation of lactose intolerance!

Babies who are not tolerated by lactose after the age of 1 usually can continue to drink milk. But pay attention to the following 2 points:

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

Baby lactose is not tolerated can also drink some "Shu Hua milk".

The name of Shu Hua milk is from some merchants to lactose -free or low lactose milk. Its ingredients only have lactase except raw cow.

Lactinase can decompose the lactose in milk in advance, so it is more suitable for babies with lactose intolerance ↓

If you eat milk products, not only gastrointestinal discomfort such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., but also eczema, acute urticaria, throat edema, and even allergic shock, then you should consider whether milk protein allergy.

◆ Milk protein allergy: Avoid allergies, the best way is to avoid intake of milk and dairy products.

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

How could it not be! Let Universal University of Science and Technology tell you!

The following foods can be replaced by the nutrition of milk to a certain extent, and the baby can be added in an appropriate amount:

Picture source: Scientific family parenting original

So how to choose a hydrolysis square milk is not a fake?

Parents can log in to the [State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration (www.samr.gov.cn)] for precise query.

The query steps are as follows: (right slip view)

Enter the official website of the State Administration of Market Supervision-Click [Service]

Choose [I want to check]

Select [Special Food Information Query]

Red box [Registration of infant formula milk powder product formula], check "ordinary milk powder"

Green frame [Special Medical Purpose Recipe Food Registration], Check "Special Medicine Milk Powder"

If the full name is too long, you can click [Advanced query]

Enter the "Registration Number" directly to search accurately.

At present, there are 32 products that have been registered and approved in my country. Except for these 32 products, all other "special doctor milk powder" on the market can be considered false!

In addition, parents must not avoid allergies by eating goat milk, because the cross -allergy of milk and goat milk is as high as 92%!

The family has the suffering of allergies, others do not understand, but the University of Science and Technology understands!Parents' careful care is needed to thrive!

Whatever you eat, be careful. At first, you can eat a small amount.

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