A woman in Nanjing found 3 months after giving birth to and 2 months pregnant. Doctors: There is no absolute safety period

Author:Poster news Time:2022.09.29

Volkswagen · Poster Journalist Dong Haozhen Pan Wen Jinan Report

Recently, a news that "found 3 months after giving birth to a woman in Nanjing and 2 months of pregnancy" appeared on the hot search, which caused heated discussion among netizens. The news shows that Ms. Chen, a 28 -year -old Baoma in Nanjing, Jiangsu 3 months after the cesarean section was produced, and found that she was pregnant for 2 months during a routine inspection. So, is this situation safe for Bao Ma? Is it common in daily life during breastfeeding? How long can I get pregnant after cesarean section?

It is reported that Ms. Chen, a citizen of Nanjing, was 28 years old and won her first child through cesarean section 3 months ago. But the excitement of the mother was not yet the mother's excitement, and Ms. Chen found that she was pregnant for 2 months during a routine inspection. Ms. Chen believes that she has only finished her production, and her menstruation has not recovered yet. She will not get pregnant. But I didn't expect to "recruit". Doctors said that because Ms. Chen's uterus has not recovered, the risk of continuing fertility is great. As a result, she finally decided to abandon the baby under repeated trade -off.

In this regard, Wang Lu, the attending physician of the Second Hospital of Shandong University, introduced that in clinical work, he would indeed encounter some breastfeeding mothers during the examination of her pregnancy. The situation of 2 months of pregnancy is still relatively rare. "In the early days of delivery, due to the large changes in women's reproductive endocrine hormones, plus factors such as uterine recovery, wound healing, and breastfeeding, if an unwilling pregnancy occurred, whether it was abortion or continued pregnancy, the risk of complications would increase significantly. The impact of mothers and children's health is greater, including a negative impact on the mother's mental health. "Wang Lu said that if Ms. Chen chooses to continue pregnancy, she will face the risk of uterine rupture. And if she choose a miscarriage, because the scar parts have not completely healed during her cesarean section, and in breastfeeding, the uterine body is relatively soft, then the chance of uterine perforation during the miscarriage will greatly increase.

She introduced that WHO suggested that women's fertility interval for more than 2 years. "In the clinic, there is no absolute safety period in postpartum. Although many women have not recovered menstruation after giving birth, they have recovered ovulation. Therefore, everyone should also have reasonable contraception after giving birth." Wang Lu said that postpartum women's reproductive organs recovery time It is 6-8 weeks, which is often referred to as the 42 -land mattress period. Doctors generally recommend that mothers have no discomfort in their bodies after the 42 -land mattresses and no abnormalities.

For the choice of contraceptive methods, Wang Lu pointed out that there are three common: compound short -acting oral contraceptives, in -palaces, and tool contraception.

Among them, although short -acting oral contraceptives are the highest efficiency of contraceptives, it is generally not recommended to use Bao Ma during lactation; in -palaces are suitable for women with long -term contraception needs, but doctors generally recommend that Baoma is at least half a year after giving birth before Placement; another is tool contraception, because it can achieve the purpose of efficient contraception, and at the same time to prevent the spread of sexual dissemination and inflammation.

It is worth noting that at present, "short -acting oral contraceptives has acne and menstrual effects" in the Internet, Wang Lu affirmed, but it is recommended to carry out under the guidance of a gynecologist. "Acne is caused by excessiverogens and strong sebaceous gland secretion. Short -acting oral contraceptives are actually compound preparations of estrogen and progesterone. They can antagonize androgen to a certain extent, thereby achieving the purpose of acne. "

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