The "China Mobile Cup Asian Games English Star" contest ended successfully Time:2022.09.20

On September 20th, the 19th Asian Games "China Mobile Cup Asian Games English Star" contest ceremony was held in Hangzhou on September 20, co -sponsored by Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee, China Mobile, and China Daily.

Chen Weiqiang, Deputy Secretary -General of the Asian Organizing Committee, Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou City, Mao Genhong, Deputy Secretary -General of the Asian Organizing Committee and Deputy Secretary -General of the Hangzhou Municipal Government, Zhu Baoxia, Editorial Committee and Secretary -General of the China Daily, Zhang Hanliang, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile Zhejiang Company, Zhejiang Yao Guowen, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial People's Government's Foreign Affairs Office, and Du Shigen, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Hangzhou Municipal People's Government, attended the award ceremony. In addition, some representatives of teachers and students of Hangzhou universities, representatives of the official partners of the Asian Organizing Committee, and central, provincial, and municipal media reporters were also invited to attend.

At the award ceremony, Mr. Hussein Musalam, the Director -General of the Asian Olympic Council, expressed his sincere greetings to the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee through a video, congratulating the "China Mobile Cup Asian Games and English Star" contest. The outstanding players who stood out were appreciated, and they welcomed them to participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games and took a bridge of language exchange.

Mao Genhong said in his speech: "The Asian Games is not only a sports event, but also a grand event for cultural exchanges. ","

"Language is a carrier of culture and a link between communication." Mao Genhong looks forward to the players of the "China Mobile Cup Asian Games English Star" contest. The Hangzhou Asian Games event with "Chinese characteristics, Zhejiang style, Hangzhou charm, and wonderful" has contributed wisdom and strength.

Shi Yi, director of the Academic Affairs Office of the School of Foreign Affairs and professor of English at the Department of English, conducted professional comments on the performance of the players in the national finals. Shi Yi said that the contest provided a good opportunity for the majority of players to tell sports stories in English and promote the spirit of sports. The content of the contestants' speech was both down -to -earth and high. She also puts forward the promising suggestions on how to enhance the logical thinking ability, enhance language and cultural ability, and tap the theme in the future.

In order to better create an atmosphere of the Asian Games and stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole society to participate in and serve the Asian Games, the awards ceremony specifically demonstrated the interview video of Jin Xiaoyu, who was called "genius translator" by the media and netizens. In the case of near the right eye, Jin Xiaoyu used six years to learn a number of foreign languages ​​and continued to work. He completed 22 foreign language translations of more than 6 million words, and used the translation to light up the fireworks of life. His tenacity and talent moved many English enthusiasts. In addition to focusing on translation work, Jin Xiaoyu voluntarily joined the ranks of volunteers and used language skills to help the Asian Games. In the video, Jin Xiaoyu affectionately talked about the understanding of the spirit of volunteer: "I think it is a dedication spirit ... It is meaningful to help others and mutual help."

The appearance of Chinese sports athletes also added a strong stroke to the awards ceremony of this competition. The awards ceremony specially invited the 2020 Tokyo Olympic men's 200m mixed swimming champion, 2021 Asian Best Men's swimmer Wang Shun, 2022 World Badminton Tour German Open, South Korea Open Women's Singles Champion He Bingjiao, The 2020 Tokyo Olympics gymnastics women's balance wood champion Guan Chenchen, 2020 Tokyo Olympic badminton mixed double champion Wang Yilu interacted with the scene "online+offline". They each shared the story of the Olympic and Asian Games, conveyed the sports spirit of unity, hard work, and struggle, inspired everyone to enhance their own literacy, actively participate in the Asian Games, serve the Asian Games, and tell the world to the world.

The literary performances of the awards ceremony are wonderful. The ceremony is in "This! It is the enthusiastic Perak dance of the International Dancers of Hip -hop 5. It echoed the first time that Perak Dance became the official competition of the Asian Games, conveying the spirit of embracing young culture and promoting international exchanges. As the official communication service partner of the Hangzhou Asian Games and the exclusive sponsor of the "Asian Games English Star Contest", China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. provides solid and efficient services and support for the success of the event. They actively promoted the smooth progress of all aspects of the competition activities, and made positive contributions to the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate in the Asian Games and serve the Asian Games. At the awards ceremony, outstanding employees from China Mobile brought wonderful recitation and sand painting performances. The awards ceremony came to a successful end of the Asian Games -themed songs sung by singers of "Good Voice of China" and Qian Jiangtao.

The 19th Asian Games "China Mobile Cup Asian Games and English Star" in 2022 officially launched on May 20, 2021, and completed the finals on March 28, 2022. The theme of this competition is "Together, We Achieve More!", Intended to inspire more people to learn and use English enthusiasm, select young students and social people with excellent English and high comprehensive quality, and actively participate Come in the team. The event attracted the participation of nearly 50,000 players from more than 30 countries and regions around the world. Through online and offline selection methods, it finally decided to make the runner -old runner -up of the college group, public group, and international groups. Under the same conditions, players who perform well in the "Asian Games English Star" competition will be preferentially hired as volunteers of the Asian Games and the Asian Paralympic Games. The three groups of the three groups of the competition will be promoted to the National Semicheel of the 2022 "21st Century Cup" English speech contest (need to meet the relevant requirements of the "21st Century Cup", please refer to the "21st Century Cup" charter). Jiangnan Yi, the most memorable is Hangzhou. Young talents from all over the world tell the story of the Asian Games that belong to their Asian Games in the "China Mobile Cup Asian Games Star" contest, and the vibrant and youthful Asian Games sounded. They will help the Asian Games with their glittering talents, sincere feelings, and surging enthusiasm, attract more social attention and participation in the whole people, and create a good atmosphere of co -construction and sharing sports and cultural events.

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