The average premium rate of 89.4 billion yuan in the two -wheeled two -wheeled soil auction of Beijing and other four cities has stabilized by 3.7%

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.18

The second concentrated supply of key cities across the country is underway. Beijing, Qingdao, Fuzhou, and Xiamen's second batch of concentrated land supply have ended this year. On June 16, Qingdao's second round of concentrated land supply price was about 10.487 billion yuan. From the perspective of land acquisition enterprises, Poly Development, China Shipping Real Estate, Qingtie Real Estate and other housing companies have won.

According to the statistics of the China Finger Research Institute, as of June 17, Beijing and other four cities such as the second batch of four cities were concentrated in the concentration of 89.412 billion yuan, with an average premium rate of 3.7%. Specifically, the two cities such as Beijing and other cities for the second time concentrated land supply transactions planned construction area of ​​4.751 million square meters, and the average price of the transaction floor was 41,380 yuan/square meter, and the average transaction floor price was 45,440 yuan during its first round of soil auction. /Square meter, the absolute value difference is about 4,000 yuan/square meter.

Generally speaking, "Beijing's land market is relatively hot, and its second concentrated land supply rate is 5.35%, which is significantly higher than other cities. Among them, 7 plots enter the offline auction, and 5 plots are high. The premium or shaking trading. "Zhang Kai, the head of the Land Division of the Medical Research Institute, told a reporter from the Securities Daily that compared with the first round of concentrated land, the current four cities that concentrated the land, and the average premium premium of the land transactions was completed. The rate decreases by 1.1 percentage points than the first batch. At the same time, the average floor price decreased significantly, but the scale of land transactions increased significantly.

"Compared with the first round of concentrated land supply, there are three typical characteristics compared with the first round of concentrated land supply." In the view of Song Hongwei, the research director of the Tongce Research Institute, one is that the threshold for soil auction has been reduced, such as reducing the margin ratio. It can be paid in installments; the second is the decline in the overall cost, not only the benchmark land price decreases steadily, but also the additional costs are also decreasing, such as reducing the requirements of competition self -holding; third, the proportion of high -quality land supply has increased significantly, mainly to improve developers' participation auctions. Putty and increase market heat.

"From the perspective of participating and land acquisition enterprises, state -owned enterprises, state -owned enterprises and regional housing companies, as well as national private housing enterprises have participated and won. These companies are currently low, based on security and credit. In the two aspects, the current financing channel is also relatively smooth, and there are certain cash flow to support land acquisition investment. "Song Hongwei further said.

More importantly, high -credit private housing companies have begun to work in the land market. Recently, head private housing companies such as Binjiang Group, Xuhui Holdings, and Longhu Group have actively resumed participating in shooting land.

"Previously, under the rules such as the" Three Red Line ', the capital chain of private real estate companies was relatively tight, and the buyers who sold the market for sale in the sales market had a strong mood and the overall market was relatively sluggish. Some private housing companies were greatly impacted. High -credit private enterprises will participate in the soil auction. "Zhang Kai said.

So, what will happen next to the land market?

"The stable trend will be more obvious." Zhang Kai said that in terms of supply scale, transfer of gold, and supply structure, it is expected to be more stable in terms of data manifestations, and the adjustment time and supply of the supply of land in various batches will be adjusted. It will provide a space for enterprises to obtain land and provide a space for alleviating.

"It is expected that the market will be further differentiated during the second soil auction, which is mainly manifested as the differentiation between cities and the internalization of the same city." Song Hongwei said that the trend of differentiation between cities shows that the first -line core cities are eye -catching, some non -core hearts The popularity of the soil auction of second -tier and third -tier cities may decline, and the proportion of flow shooting may increase. The part of the city is partly manifested as the fierce competition in the core area and the touches of the premium, and the peripheral area will have low -cost transfer or flow shooting phenomenon.

Reporter Wang Lixin

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