Jingmen will fully promote the delivery of the house and apply for a certificate

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.09.26

Recently, the "handling of a certificate to apply for a certificate" in the central urban area of ​​Jingmen City was the first to be realized in Dongbao District. Nearly a hundred owners of the second phase of the Royal Lake Peninsula took the key to the new house and received the certificate of production.

"In the past, the process of buying a house was relatively complicated and the time was long. Today, I will get a certificate of property rights in the house, and my heart is very solid." Holding the new certificate, the owner Ma Xingyu said with emotion.

The "handling of a house to apply for a certificate" means that when the newly -built commercial housing with the statutory delivery conditions is completed, the real estate registration agency and the development enterprise, housing construction and other departments are jointly registered to handle real estate registration for the buyers at the delivery site. This is both a convenient measure and an important measure to optimize the business environment.

While facilitating the owner of the house, the "handling of the house to apply for a certificate" has also brought benefits to the real estate development enterprise. While the real estate company applies for the completion of the project, it can apply for the first registration in sync. Gasstarial property certificate. When handing over the house, the owner submits the application materials through the "Internet+Real Estate Integrated Service Platform", and he can apply for an online property right certificate online.

On March 25 this year, the Jingmen City Natural Resources and Planning Bureau jointly issued a plan and the Housing and Urban Construction Bureau to carry out a pilot pilot on "handling a certificate" in the city of Jingmen Central City. The relevant person in charge of Jingmen City Natural Resources and Planning Bureau said that Jingmen City will fully promote the "delivery of the house to apply for a certificate" so that more citizens will enjoy the good policy of benefiting the people and the people. (Yang Shiyu, a reporter from Hubei Daily All Media Zhuhua Correspondent)

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