The fastest six hours!Longhua police quickly investigated two cases to enter the room for theft

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.08.31

A few days ago, according to the relevant deployment of "100 Days", the police of the Longhua Branch of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau quickly investigated the two thefts and arrested 2 suspects.

On August 27, the Minzhi Police Station of the Longhua Public Security Branch received an alarm from the masses in the jurisdiction, saying that the cash and jewelry at home were missing. The Longhua Police immediately launched an investigation. After the investigation and investigation, the suspect was initially determined that the suspect entered the room through climbing the balcony. Through marks and surveillance, the police successfully locked the former personnel Li Mou Gao as the suspect. The police force arrested it in a chess and card room in Longgang District that night. After interrogation, Li Mougao confessed to the facts of his theft.

Coincidentally, at 15 o'clock on August 29, Mr. Zheng, the host of the Guanlan Police Station, called the police, saying that the two mobile phones in the family were stolen. After receiving the alarm, the Longhua Police immediately set up a task force for investigation. By visiting the surrounding people and combined with public video analysis and judgment, the police found that a man in gray clothes was suspected of committing major crimes. The task force immediately followed the line, eventually locking the suspect Shen Mouhao, and immediately organized the arrest. At 21:00 that night, Xu caught him at Shen Mouhao's residence and was recovered by the stolen items. From the case to solving the case, the Longhua Police only took 6 hours. At present, the suspect Shen Mouhao has been criminally detained by Longhua Police in accordance with the law, and the case is further investigated.

Longhua police reminded: Before sleeping and going out, citizens check whether the doors and windows of the room or facade shops are locked and inserted. To prevent climbing night theft, the balcony can be closed or installed with anti -theft nets. House residents with low -level or external platforms should pay attention to closing the windows, and put the valuables and small items such as clothing, leather bags, and mobile phones away from the windows.

At the same time, the public reminds the public to properly store the preservation of valuables. There are a large amount of cash in the home that can be stored in the bank nearby. A small amount of cash or gold and silver jewelry and other valuable items should be placed in the unknown room or storage in the home.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Yidi Xiaohong

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