Liu Yanping was "double -opened" and was transferred to the procuratorial organs to review and sue in accordance with the law.

Author:Supreme inspection Time:2022.09.01

A few days ago, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Commission of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted a investigation and investigation of the issue of Liu Yanping, the former party committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the former party committee member of the Ministry of National Security and former member of the National Security Department.

After investigation, Liu Yanping's ideals and beliefs collapsed, the principles of party spirit were lost, and the "two maintenances" were abandoned. There was no "four consciousness". It was completely transformed in politics. Smooth discipline and discipline of the law, abuse the power of public security guards, alienate it into a tool for picking up political capital and conspiracy to collect money, causing a bad impact; long -term superstition activities; confrontation of organizational review. Extremely corrupt in life, ignore the spirit of the eight central regulations, occupy more housing in violation of regulations, be greedy for eating, drinking and enjoyment, long -term acceptance of private business owners to arrange golf and accepting the ball card. Event arrangements, receive gifts, do big exercises, do marriage and funeral and take advantage of the opportunity to collect money; seriously violate the principles of organizational principles. When an organizational letter is inquiring, it is not as good as the problem. The product is corrupted, and the power of power and money is large; the outlook on power is extremely distorted, the power in the hand is abused by the power of the power for others in business operations, and illegally accepts huge property.

Liu Yanping seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline and integrity discipline, constituted seriously illegal positions and suspected bribery crimes. Essence According to the "Regulations on the Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China", and relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China, the People's Republic of China Public Officials' Political Affairs Law, etc., after studying and reporting to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China by the Central Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to give Liu Yanping expelled from the party. The State Supervision Commission gives them to expel public office; it seizes its illegal income from discipline and law; transfer it to the procuratorial organs for the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law. (Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection)

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