Buy a package to send a mobile phone, the "contract machine" scam reproduction, the Beijing police sentenced 48 people

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.09.01

The "buying package and sending a mobile phone" scam that has disappeared for many years is now looking up again. On August 31, the editor learned from the Beijing Public Security Bureau that according to the overall deployment of the "100 -day action" of the "100 -day action" in the summer public security, the Beijing Public Security Bureau's mobile investigation team found that the 110 police situation found that in Majuqiao, Majuqiao, Tongzhou District, In the area, there are criminals to perform fraud under the name of "Points for Points for Points, Charging Tell Polo", and consumers have been deceived by the "contract machine" to be deceived by the police. In response, the Beijing Public Security Bureau immediately organized the hard work to work together with the relevant units such as the Tongzhou Branch, and destroyed 7 in one fell swoop to use the purchase of the "contract machine" to implement the fraud gang and the criminal detention of 48 people.

Buy a package and send a mobile phone "contract machine" scam to reproduce

Not long ago, when Mr. Zhang passed a mobile phone store in Majuqiao Commercial Street, Tongzhou District, a male clerk promoted him to give back to the old user activities. The clerk inquired about Mr. Zhang's WeChat and Alipay credit points, and asked Mr. Zhang to use the same brand of mobile phones and whether it had been on the Internet for three years. After getting a positive reply from Mr. Zhang, the clerk told Mr. Zhang to participate in the charge of 100 yuan Calls for mobile phones.

After Mr. Zhang paid 100 yuan, he was led by another clerk to go through the network access procedures, and was asked to sign an event to confirm the document. One of them wrote the specific requirements for participating in the event. One of them was the 2G/3G contract user participating in the event. Users need to be upgraded to 4G/5G contract users. Mr. Zhang thought that he was originally a 4G card, and met the requirements of the document.

After the signature, the clerk told Mr. Zhang that his original mobile phone card was not a 4G/5G contract user, and did not meet the requirements of participating in the event. Only the contract users who had handled the contract package were contract users, and introduced some of the phone bills in the store to Mr. Zhang. Essence Since the price of the package does not meet psychological expectations, Mr. Zhang demands a refund. However, the clerk said that Mr. Zhang had signed on the event document and confirmed that the information has been entered into the system. If you do not choose to apply for the corresponding package, it will affect Mr. Zhang's credit reporting. In the case of Mr. Zhang insisted on refund, the clerk suggested that Mr. Zhang handled the package first. After the entire process was completed, the clerk would "apply for a refund immediately".

Seeing his stubbornness, Mr. Zhang obeyed the suggestion of the clerk and chose the cheapest 9552 yuan prepaid package in the store. As Mr. Zhang said that the one -time handed over 9,000 yuan in economic pressure, the clerk "helped" Mr. Zhang operated 9,600 yuan from the online loan platform.

After Mr. Zhang was successful, he paid 9,452 yuan through the QR code in the store, plus 100 yuan that had been paid before, and paid a total of 9552 yuan. When paying the money and waiting for the refund, Mr. Zhang was informed by the clerk that the refund could not be carried out in the store. He could only go to Haidian and Changping's two addresses to apply for a refund. The address is unbinding the package, and then goes to Changping's address from 10 to 11:00 on working days to get money. Mr. Zhang said that there was no way to use the working day to apply for a refund, and the place of handling was far and the time for handling was very strict. It was required to refund the store immediately.

After some disputes, the clerk proposed that he could change a new package for a new mobile phone card number. The new package content was 500 yuan bags, which continued once a year. A year later, the mobile phone that was given at 60%of the prepaid fee, that is, the discount of 5731.2 yuan to replace the new mobile phone. At the same time, the clerk took out the mobile phone given by the pre -agreed 100 yuan recharge activity on the spot. This model of the mobile phone was inquired by Mr. Zhang on the official website with a bare price of 2099 yuan. Mr. Zhang believes that the price of the plan is more affordable and he can bear it. He agreed to propose to handle the package and pick up the gift.

After arriving at home that night, Mr. Zhang query the newly handled mobile phone card balance through the mobile app and found that the card in the card was only 6 yuan balance. After verifying the official customer service, he learned that the card handling the "Campus package 77 yuan (optimized version) pre -stored "500 yuan discount contract", the card did not pay the 9552 yuan call fee, Mr. Zhang suspected that he was deceived, so he called the police.

Police will be detained by 7 criminal gangs to one net

According to the police handling of the case, the police conducted a return visit to the victim for the deceived police situation. Many of the victims stated that they were cheated when they participated in points for mobile phones and fees to send mobile phones at the mobile phone store in Majuqiao Business Street. The store attracts the owner to enter the store with gimmicks such as low -cost mobile phones, redeeming new or points for mobile phones, and the salesperson coax the owner to pay a small amount of costs to participate in the event. The reasons are required to host the 5G package and pay the cost of 8,000 to 10,000 yuan, saying that if it does not follow this, it will affect personal credit reporting.

If the refund requests after the initiative, there will be various refund obstacles, and at the same time sell the "contract machine" package to the victim, and promise to the victim that the store will return a monthly to the victim of dozens to hundreds of yuan. Until the return, the mobile phone that is promised to depreciate or replace new mobile phones after one year.

After the incident, when the owner found that the return fee or the mobile phone could not be discounted, most of the shops refused to fulfill their promises on the grounds of replacing operators. Seven criminal gangs implemented fraud through the so -called "contract machines" activities, and at the same time created the illusion of contract disputes to avoid blows.

Police investigations found that gang members have been engaged in business activities for this type of mobile phone store for a long time. The internal division of the gang is clear: specifically divided into four types of personnel, shop manager, clerk and salesman. Among them, the boss is responsible for controlling the store; the manager is responsible for organizing salesmen and clerks to implement fraud; the clerk is responsible for living in the store on the streets outside the store. Layer routines to deceive the victims to buy "contract machines". The proportion of gangs with pumping ingredients is fixed: 60%of the bosses of illegal income, 10%of the store managers, and 30%of the shop assistants and salespersons. On the basis of the preliminary investigation and grasp of the laws of activities and criminal evidence of gang members, in late August, the Motor Investigation Corps, together with the Tongzhou Branch and other relevant units to carry out concentrated arrests on fraud gang members, and on mobile phone stores involved in the case of the Majuqiao area of ​​Tongzhou District Search. As of now, a total of 48 criminal suspects have been criminally detained, and more than 100 mobile phones and computers involved in the case.

Police remind you that when buying a mobile phone or applying for a contract, you must go to the regular store. Once the machine is discovered, please call the police in time. The Beijing police will continue to maintain a severe blow to such illegal crimes and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people and property.

Text/Beijing Political and Law Network Wang Haoxiong

Source: Beijing Political and Law Network

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