Can be asked for help!1032 "Ping An Watching Points" have been built in Nanjing

Author:Intersection Time:2022.09.06

Atlas News On September 6, the reporter learned from a press conference held by the Nanjing Public Security Bureau that there have been 1032 "Ping An Watching Points" in Nanjing, and 762 points are under construction. The deputy director of the Public Security Division of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau introduced that the Ping An Watching Point has both functions such as "hedging, alarm, asking for help, publicity, and information", which can be avoided by the masses and can link with the police station as soon as possible.

The "Ping An Watching Point" is divided into four levels to select points, and the first point is the public security police station, street police station, public security inspection station and public security "fast back". Enterprise and institutions, the three categories of points are the property communities in the jurisdiction, and the four categories are hotels, supermarkets, and pharmacies opened for 24 hours. At the same time, the Nanjing police uniformly equipped the necessary protection equipment for each "peace watching point" and run for 24 hours. As of now, Nanjing has built 1032 "Ping An Watching Points" and 29,800 security officers have passed training. The masses can find the position of the Ping An Watching Point through the blue -bottomed light box, and can also directly search the nearby points through Gaode Navigation.

At present, Ping An Watching Point has played a role. Not long ago, a woman in Qinhuai District, Nanjing accidentally dropped water. When he heard passers -by calling for help, the security officer of Wenyuan Bridge store in Wanqinglou immediately rushed and contacted the police station for the first time. Seeing that the woman floated in the middle of the river, her arms kept swinging, and the situation was critical. The safety officer flew into the river and swim towards the woman in the water. At the same time, the police officer of the Qinhuai Public Security Bureau rushed to the scene, took out the rescue tools from the police car, and rescued the woman ashore with the safety officer in time.

At the press conference, the "100 -day action" was launched in Nanjing's summer public security. For more than two months, the city's public security organs have cracked a total of 208 criminal cases of criminal cases with the characteristics of summer public security characteristics, gathered fighting, and deliberately hurting the "three categories" of criminal cases. 54.4%, arrested 3 fugitives for more than 20 years, and the overall public security situation in the city continued to stabilize.

Since August 15, the Nanjing Police Organization has launched a "Ning Jian" solving the case to collect and collect the network. In half a month, the city has cracked a total of 1,574 criminal cases in the city, arrested 2636 criminal criminals, and launched a cluster campaign battle. Destroyed 1 electrical criminal gang of more than a hundred people and captured 206 fugitives.

Not long ago, Nanjing Jiangning Police successfully cracked a special telecommunications network fraud case, bringing more than 1,000 cases across the country, with an amount of more than 300 million yuan involved. On February 11 this year, Ms. Zhou, Nanjing Citizen, reported the case at the Development Zone of the Jiangning Public Security Branch, stating that she had been deceived by 5.8 million yuan on the Internet. After receiving the police, the Nanjing Jiangning Police gradually dug out an overseas telecommunications fraud gang by sorting out the relevant bank card number and other information provided by the victim. After more than two months of follow -up tracking, on August 8, the Jiangning Public Security Branch mobilized more than 230 police forces and rushed to 45 cities in 21 provinces across the country. , Capture 76 personnel involved. As of now, all 103 criminal suspects involved in the case have been captured by the police.

Since the "100 -day operation", the Nanjing police have organized two summer night public security inspections and defense concentrated unified operations and 6 centralized public security investigation operations, dispatched more than 236,000 police forces, cleaned up and inspected more than 49,000 key places, arrested illegal illegal laws 1506 criminals.

In order to improve the targeted patrol, Nanjing Police in 40 night economic zones including Catherine Plaza, 1912 neighborhood, 1865 block, and 12 "trunk markets" and "net red districts", including Wuma Du, have continued to thicken the surrounding regional patrol power The police car light up the police light, and the single soldier lights up the shoulder lights, so that the masses always feel that the police are around, installing a "safety valve" for the "fireworks" of the world.

The investigation and rectification of various types of safety hazards is also an important part of the "100 -day action". Nanjing police closely conducted in -depth visits around the field of public security management, and conducted more than 36,000 visits in the fields of highly vulnerable and explosion, delivery, large -scale activities, road transportation, group rental houses, water safety, grassroots fire protection, etc. More than 11,500 hidden dangers.

According to statistics, since the 100 -day operation, the total number of criminal and public security police in the city has decreased by 6.3%month -on -month. The people's satisfaction with social security has reached 98.65%, an increase of 0.21 percentage points from the average value of social security in the first half of the year.

Correspondent Ning Gongxuan

Xinhua Daily · Jiaojiao Reporter Hu Lanlan

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