The Provincial High Court notified typical cases of retirement fraud, and quickly wake up your elderly

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.09.07

Henan Daily Client reporter Zhou Qingsha

On September 6, the Provincial Senior People's Court held a press conference to inform the province's courts in the province's special actions to rectify the special action of pension fraud, and notified typical cases.

Guo Baozhen, Executive Deputy Dean of the Provincial High Court, introduced at the press conference that the courts of the province resolutely carried their political responsibilities, fulfilled their duties, took strong measures, severely punished various types of pension fraud in accordance with the law. Staged results.

Since the launch of special operations, the province's courts have accepted a total of 166 criminal cases of pension fraud, including 34 fraud cases, 10 cases of illegal absorption of public deposits, 2 cases of fundraising fraud, 1 case of production and sales of counterfeit drugs, organizing leadership leadership leaders There are 2 cases of MLM activities, and 1 case of fake and inferior products. As of September 2nd, 27 cases of 27 cases were concluded in the first instance, and 26 cases were concluded in the second instance. Criminals were punished by severe punishment according to law.

While severely punishing crimes in accordance with the law, the province's courts regard the pursuit of pursuit of losses as the top priority of the special operation, strengthen the execution of trials seamlessly, and efficiently dispose of the property involved in accordance with the law. More than 10,000 yuan, restore a large amount of economic losses to the elderly.

In order to strengthen the source governance, the province's courts fully extended the trial function, and through the industry supervision loopholes reflected in the trial of the case, proactively proposed judicial suggestions, promoted industry governance, source governance, and governance in accordance with the law, and established and improved the long -term mechanism for preventing illegal crimes against elderly fraud. Effectively curb the spread of illegal crimes.

At the press conference, Lu Qiaoling, the deputy president of the four courts of the Provincial High Court, informed several typical cases and helped the elderly to effectively improve the ability of fraud to prevent fraud by exposing the "techniques" and "routine" of their fraud.

Case number one

Illegally absorb 44.84 million yuan in the name of investment for the elderly

Basic case

In January 2016, Fang Moumou (handled by another case) established Henan Province's sunset red pension service Co., Ltd., and the defendant Pan Moumou was appointed as the company's customer service department manager. Without the approval of the relevant departments, the company promoted "combining medical care and care for care", and absorbed deposits to the unspecular group of the society, especially the elderly groups, and claimed that the deposit was a long -lived red envelope and a member level. For family members, enjoy a 10 % discount on house prices in nursing homes, with a total of 4,800 yuan in interest for 3 years; 200,000 for diamond members, enjoying 50 % discount on house prices in nursing homes, and 75,000 yuan in interest for 3 years. Proposal to the principal in three years, and pay the interest method every six months.

Pan Moumou recruited the customer service department personnel to promote the company's financing policies to attract public deposits through lectures and leaflets. After auditing, Pan Moumou and his team developed a total of 536 members, collecting more than 44.84 million yuan in deposits and various pension service fees; it has returned a total of more than 21.85 million yuan in depositors by paying principal and interest and longevity red envelopes. More than 10,000 yuan did not return. Pan Moumou's customer service department withdraws commissions at 20%of its absorbing deposit amount, with a total of more than 8.19 million yuan in commissions.

Referee result

The court trial believes that the defendant Pan Moumou and others violated the regulations on national financial management and illegally absorb public deposits and have a huge amount. His behavior has constituted the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits. Pan Moumou has the first plot, voluntarily pleaded guilty, and can be treated from the law according to law. Judgment: First, the defendant Pan Moumou's crime of illegally absorbing public deposits, sentenced to four years and six months in prison, and fined 100,000 yuan. 2. The defendant Pan Moumou's refund and fund -raising participants lost a total of more than 8.19 million yuan. 3. Recover the defendant's house and one car in accordance with the law, and give priority to the funding of the participants. Fourth, the defendant Pan Moumou's bank deposits and interest rates in the case were returned to the fundraising participants in proportion.

Judge remind

In this case, criminals claim to invest low risks, high interest, and high returns, and can also enjoy different levels of pension services. The more investment, the greater the discount. The way of pension is to send his hard -working pension money to the hands of criminals. For elderly friends to invest in "pension projects" and buy "pension services", they must discuss with their families or consult with professionals. Choose a regular -qualified pension service institution. Do not invest blindly.

Case 2

The name of fraud is implemented under the name of an old -age insurance

Basic case

The defendant Wei was a primary school teacher. From May 2019 to November 2021, Wei knew that the victim did not meet the conditions for retirement and enrolled in advance, and he could not help others to handle pension insurance. In the name, 24 people including the victim Guo Moumou and Liu Moumou, a total of more than 930,000 yuan. The stolen money was returned to the victims who had been revealed by the personal consumption and "new and old" way.

Referee result

The court tried that the defendant Wei Mou had the purpose of illegal possession, fictional facts, concealed the truth, and deceived multiple victims of the property. The amount was particularly huge, and his behavior had constituted a crime of fraud. The defendant, Wei, had a self -priority. Wei had repeatedly committed fraud and should be punished as appropriate. Judgment: The defendant Wei had a crime of fraud and sentenced to nine and two months in prison, and fined 60,000 yuan.

The judge reminded the criminals in this case not only to infringe the economic interests of the elderly, but also seriously damage the credibility of the national pension policy. For such scams, the majority of elderly friends must raise awareness of prevention, do not believe in the so -called "hidden rules", and need to apply for endowment insurance -related businesses. We must apply through regular channels in accordance with laws, regulations and policies.

Case II

Fraud with an investment collection of more than 6.59 million yuan

Basic case

From May 2016 to May 2019, the defendant Chang Moumou set up Jinbei Culture Communication Company, Jindu Culture Communication Company and Ruijuyuan Culture Communication Company to buy a small amount of commemorative coins and other collectibles. More than 20 people and other people call a lot of calls every day to choose the elderly, to give gifts as bait, trick the elderly to go to the company, and pay high interest, regular recycling, high -priced auction and other "high returns" commitments to the elderly. The elderly buy commemorative coins such as the "Fourth Set of RMB", "Pearl, Hong Kong and Macao Consultation", "Canadian Sports Banknotes", and other commemorative coins collectibles, each set for sale ranging from 3,000 to 9,000 yuan.

In order to prevent the children of the elderly who buy commemorative currency collectibles, the crimes are revealed, and they will be custody on their own on behalf of the commemorative coin collection, if the commemorative coin collection is not good, and the old people have purchased the commemorative coin collections in the company. The fraud tools continue to sell to other elderly people, and delay the elderly who no longer buy a refund. Until the incident, the criminal gang fraudulently scammed 87 victims, and the amount of fraud was more than 6.59 million yuan.

Referee result

The court tried that the defendant Chang Moumou and others were illegally possession, fictional facts, concealed the truth, and cheated others' property. The amount was particularly huge. The behavior had constituted a crime of fraud, and the punishment should be punished according to law. Chang Mou and Zhou Mou were the main criminals and refused to explain the whereabouts of the stolen money. The people's court sentenced him to heavier punishment and property punishment.

Judgment: The defendant Chang Moumou was convicted of fraud and sentenced to fourteen years and six months in prison, and fined 500,000 yuan. One hundred thousand yuan. The remaining 18 defendants were punished accordingly with fraud.

Judge remind

In this case, criminals seize some elderly people who have investment and financial needs, but lack a deep understanding of new things, identify ability and prevent awareness, use investment collection commemorative coins, commemorative banknotes as a means, use "high returns" as bait, specifically targeting it specifically The elderly perform fraud. In order to prevent the children of the elderly, they will be kept on the grounds that they will lose their value on the grounds that they will lose their value. In fact, they will continue to deceive other elderly people as fraud tools.

- END -

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