Multiple brands have announced the termination of cooperation with Li Yifeng

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.09.12

On September 11,@9 9 9 9 9 9: Recently, the Beijing police seized the actor Li Moumou (male, 35 years old) in a case of violations of the law. It has been administrative detention according to law.

After being verified by the CCTV reporter and relevant departments, the actor Li Moumou was Li Yifeng.

What legal liability will be assumed?

According to the Rule of Law Daily, in the face of the brand's termination, stars may face compensation. The stars and the brand parties are the contractual relationship. The unilateral termination of the contract requires a clear agreement on the contract. For matters that are unknown, it shall be explained in accordance with the legal termination of the contract. The brand side and the star signed a endorsement contract, usually the high -quality social image and social evaluation of the celebrities. Once the social image collapse of the star will inevitably affect the business interests of the brand, resulting in the purpose of the contract. The contract, which also requires the stars to refund the commission and compensate the brand's reasonable costs and other losses for this.

Secondly, in addition to laws and regulations such as law security management punishment, personnel who have been detained must also bear bad consequences in terms of relevant industry requirements and moral standards. For example, for entertainers, compared with legal sanctions, industry resistance and public moral condemnation brought more serious consequences.

Multi -party response: cancel honor, terminate cooperation

On September 11, the Huading Award Organizing Committee announced in Macau that in accordance with the "Management Measures for the Honorary Title of the Huading Award", it was decided to cancel the "Best Actor of the Top 100 TV Series of China" and "National Audiences of the Top 100 TV Series of China" and "National Audiences" The title of Favorite Film and Television Star.

That night, the brands that cooperated with Li Yifeng issued a statement to terminate all cooperative relationships with Li Yifeng.

Source: China Youth Daily, Legal Daily, Surging News

Edit: 憨 | Review: Situ roll

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