Notification of Jining Public Security Bureau to fight against false information cases in the immune -related network

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.09.12

Jining City Public Security Bureau cracks down on false information about the immune -related network

Case of the case

Case number one

On September 10, 2022, during the isolation of Zhang's home isolation in Rencheng District, Jining City, a false video of the "sheep rim is an isolation point" was fabricated. It spread in the WeChat group, causing adverse social impacts and disrupting the public order. The urban branch bureau was administrative in accordance with the law.

Case 2

On September 10, 2022, Zhang Mou, Rencheng District, Jining City, fabricated false information such as "Provincial Armed Police Come to Jining Assistance to Prevention and Control", spreading in the WeChat group, causing adverse social impacts and disturbing public order. Jining Public Security Bureau The Municipal Central Branch was administrative detention to Zhang in accordance with the law.

Case II

On September 11, 2022, Dong Mou and Liu Moumou, a high -tech zone in Jining City, made up the false video of the "Jining wasolated person 'live in the sheepfang'" during the isolation of the home. In public order, the high -tech zone of the Jining Public Security Bureau was administrative detention to Dong and Liu Moumou in accordance with the law.

Police reminded that the epidemic prevention and control of the people is responsible for illegal and criminal acts such as fabrication, dissemination, spreading false information, disrupting public order and other illegal acts. The public security organs will always adhere to the attitude of "zero tolerance" and resolutely investigate and deal with it according to law. It is hoped that the general public will not make rumors, rumors, or spread rumors, pay attention to the release of official authoritative information, fight against epidemics, and jointly create a healthy and orderly network environment and social order.

Jining City Public Security Bureau

September 12, 2022

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