Jiuquan prosecution heard the order, and worked hard to protect the city's "quietness"

Author:Rule of Law Jiuquan Time:2022.09.19

"The epidemic is the order, and the prevention and control is responsibility." In the face of this round of new crown pneumonia, the police officers of Jiuquan City and the district procuratorate resonated with the "screen", and they were brave and assumed to practice procuratorial procuratorial as the beginning of the country and mission.

Response immediately, implement the epidemic prevention measures

The party group of Jiuquan City Procuratorate attaches great importance to the latest deployment and requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government on the prevention and control of the epidemic. Safety security and other work responsibilities, comprehensively implement "online office", all police officers have their own duties and do their best.

Sink the community to ensure all the nucleic acids

At 9 am on September 17th, according to the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee's "Ping War Combined Emergency Support" work, the Municipal Procuratorate sent 12 police officers to sink to the West Cultural Street community in Suzhou District to cooperate with the staff to register information and nucleic acid at the nucleic acid detection point. Sampling and other work, actively guide residents to go out, and wearing masks must be worn. The municipal court's material security group is the "front -line" police officer delivery mask, gloves and other epidemic prevention materials to ensure that the police's own protection is guaranteed. The Suzhou District Procuratorate quickly organized 43 policemen who had participated in nucleic acid testing at 9 am on the same day to the specified nucleic acid detection point to help all nucleic acid testing.

Strictly arouse, build a safe barrier

The data statistical team of the Municipal Procuratorate quickly investigated the recent action trajectory of all police officers and relatives of the procuratorate of the city and district, and did statistics and reporting on the historical personnel of high and medium -risk areas. The Procuratorate of Suzhou District sent staff to the South Entrance of Suzhou South, the G30 Lianhuo Expressway, and the Jiuga Expressway to carry out a cardon prevention and diligence. Sequential scan code, carefully check the health code, itinerary code and nucleic acid detection certificate of the personnel of the wine return vehicle, and register at the same time, strictly follow the conditions of the negative certificate of 48 hours of kernel testing Back, make every effort to build the epidemic defense line to ensure the safety of Jiuquan South Gate and West Gate.

Set in the hotel and guard the pure land of one side

The police officer of the volunteer service team of the city and district procuratorate carefully studied the work manual of the vacuum volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer, and repeatedly practiced the skills of penetrating and taking off protective clothing, environmental anti -killing, medical waste disposal, and logistics support. Since September 7, three prosecutors have received a notice from the Suzhou District Procuratorate to enter the isolation hotel to carry out volunteer services, of which one policeman has served as a long time. The preparatory team consisting of 10 police officers has also been prepared to support the isolation point of the Suzhou area at any time.

The life and death of the Gouli country is to avoid the blessing. When there are some need, there must be something. In the face of the epidemic test, the prosecutor never fear, nor will he be absent. On the front line of the epidemic prevention and control, the police must fully carry forward the spirit of particularly hard -working, fighting, and dedication. We firmly believe that the epidemic will eventually dissipate, the sun is still warm, and the prosperity will be as usual!

Source: Jiuquan People's Procuratorate

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