up to date!Gong Daoan, the former deputy mayor of Shanghai and the former director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, was sentenced to life imprisonment

Author:Look at the news Time:2022.09.21

On September 21, 2022, the Tangshan Intermediate People's Court of Hebei Province publicly sentenced the former deputy mayor of the Shanghai Municipal Government and the former director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Gong Daoan to accept bribery. He also confiscated all personal property; he recovered the income of Gong Daoan's bribery and recovered in accordance with the law and paid the state treasury.

After hearing, it was found that from the second half of 1999 to July 2020, the defendant Gong Daoan used the deputy director of the Jingzhou Public Security Bureau of Hubei Province, the Director of the Criminal Investigation Office of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department, and the captain of the Economic Criminal Investigation Corps, Standing Committee Member of Xianning Municipal Committee of Hubei Province, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Deputy Director and Director of the Technical Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the convenience of the party group, deputy mayor, and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau of the Shanghai Municipal Government, as well as their authority and status formation The convenience conditions of the relevant units and individuals provide help in the aspects of corporate operations, engineering contracting, case handling, and job promotion, and illegally receiving relevant personnel's property is equivalent to more than 73.43 million yuan.

Tangshan Intermediate People's Court believes that the defendant Gong Daoan's behavior constitutes a crime of bribery. Gong Daoan's bribery amount is particularly huge. He seek job promotion for others, and uses power to intervene in the case. After arriving at the case, Gong Daoan confessed his crimes and took the initiative to explain the facts of the crime of bribery that had not been mastered by the case handling agency. He pleaded guilty. The court made the above judgment.

This article is comprehensive: CCTV News Author: 奚 Dan Ni Zhang Sai WeChat Editor: Miss Pi School Division: Nano

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