Three "three small places" in Meizhou Meixian District were seized for many fire rectifications in many occasions

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.23

Wen, Picture/Lai Jiahua Jiangyan

On the morning of September 21, Meizhou Meixian District Fire Rescue Brigade and the New Town Office, Public Security, Power Supply and other departments conducted fire safety inspections and rectification of the "three small places" in their jurisdictions, and for three "three small places that were not in place in multiple rectifications in various rectifications "Seal.

See the "three small places" that are not rectified in place

During the inspection process, law enforcement officers "looked back" on key offices such as "three small places" and found that some operating places with hidden fire safety hazards were "repeatedly taught". And other issues. During the inspection, a "three small places" used flammable and combustible materials for colorful steel plates, which were across small rooms; the other two set up residential venues in the operating venue, and the separation measures did not meet the fire technology standards. Earlier, law enforcement officers have issued the "Notice of Rectification of Fire Safety Order" to the place where the hidden fire hazards in the area in their jurisdictions, and made a detailed explanation of the need for rectification, but the person in charge of many places did not pay attention. In order to achieve the purpose of rectification, law enforcement officers seizes the seizure of three illegal places in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and requires them to complete the rectification as soon as possible.

The fire department conducts a safety hazard inspection

The fire department "look back" on the "three small places"

Next, the Meixian District Fire Rescue Brigade will continue to make efforts with relevant departments to increase the investigation and rectification of the "three small places" fire safety hazards in the jurisdiction, and establish red, yellow, and green in accordance with the actual situation of each "three small places". The listing system, for the place where rectification is rectified, effectively use law enforcement methods such as "checking, changing, punishment, sealing, and stop" to further form a high -pressure situation of governance of "stubborn disease", and to escort the fire safety situation in the jurisdiction.

The fire department reminded that the shops in the store violated the regulations. If a fire occurred, especially if the fire was in the fire, the landlord had to bear a large economic loss, and at the same time, it might also bear corresponding legal liability.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Wei Qin

School pair | Peng Jiye

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