Consolidate the real liar cover the money bag -Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau's subway branch police continued to carry out anti -fraud publicity activities

Author:Henan Legal Daily Time:2022.09.24

Since the newspaper of the national public security organs in the summer of the public security organs, since the 100 -day operation of the campaign of campaigns, the fifth sent of the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau Metro Branch should crack down on the special work deployment of pension fraud to carry out anti -fraud publicity activities, combined with the current high -incurred telecommunications fraud and targeting the elderly for the elderly Various types of frauds such as group fraud and other types of fraud are constantly sorting out and summing up anti -fraud experience methods, various anti -fraud publicity activities in the subway area, and achieved good social effects.

The fifth police station in the bureau does not know enough about the elderly's overall use of the elderly and the new business format for scammers. , Continue to carry out anti -fraud propaganda for elderly groups. Actively carry out special actions to crack down on pension fraud, continuously weave the protection network, strive to let publicity go in front of fraud, continuously expand publicity coverage, and improve the masses' awareness, ability and level. On September 22, the Fifth Police Station organized police officers to use small speeches and publicity pages to help the majority of passengers recognize the true face of scammers, keep the old age money, and enjoy their old age at the form of small talks and publicity pages. Remind that the elderly need to be cautious about investment in the elderly, and be careful about high returns.

In order to continue to expand the coverage of propaganda, the Fifth Police Station organized a subsidiary police officer to carry out multi -frequency, multi -level, and multi -angle publicity activities at the Qilihe Metro Station, and used the real cases of the police work to use the case. , Sort out the usual routines of scammers, guide the majority of passengers to enhance the awareness of prevention, enhance fraud to prevent identification, identify the illegal tricks of fraud, remind the masses to establish a consciousness of "not greedy, cheap and not losing losses", and ask why? "There will be no pie in the sky", "not greedy, cheap, not suffering" and other simple and easy -to -understand popular languages, enhance the masses' ability to prevent fraud and refuse, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses, receive good social effects, various types of jurisdictions The incidence of fraud cases has declined significantly.

In the next step, the fifth police station will continue to integrate various types of publicity resources under the unified arrangement of the party committee of the branch bureau, actively occupy the publicity positions, continuously expand the results of the propaganda, actively combine the subway operating enterprises, continue to carry out anti -fraud publicity activities, purify subway operations The environment, welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results!

(Henan Legal Daily Reporter Ning Xiaobo Correspondent Lou Zhiguang) ⑪

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