He Shun Public Security: Quickly cracked a case of spreading obscene information together

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.09.26

Recently, one case was successfully cracked down, and one of the illegal actors was arrested.

On September 11, the Police Police of He Shun was informed at work that someone posted obscene videos through WeChat. In order to create a wind and righteous network environment for the masses, the police immediately carefully arranged the clues and data research and judgment, and quickly locked the identity information of illegal actors and hidden places. On the evening of September 11, the police handling the case quickly attacked and arrested the illegal actor Deng Moumou suspected of spreading obscene videos in a residential house in Huludu Village. More than 40 obscene videos were seized on the spot.

Police reminded that the Internet is not an outside place. Illegal information such as obscene pornography seriously pollutes the social environment and corrupted the social atmosphere. At the same time, it will be punished by law. According to Article 68 of the "Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", production, transportation, copying, sale, leasing obscene books, pictures, videos, audiovisual products, or use computer networks, telephones, and other communication tools to spread Those who are obscene information are detained for more than 10 days and less than 15 days, and they can be fined with a fine of less than 3,000 yuan. If the circumstances are relatively light, they will be detained for less than five days or a fine of less than 500 yuan. The masses should talk about civilization and new trends, and jointly create a good online social environment. Jinzhong Public Security

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