How to better serve digital construction in Sichuan?This "Yunzhi" expert think tank platform was launched in Chengdu

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.14

Cover Journalist Song Xiao intern Feng Lian

In order to further enhance the effectiveness of the Chengdu Internet Court in establishing the rules of network space referee, cultivating the effectiveness of typical cases of the Internet law, and give full play to the advantages of experts and scholars, and better serve the construction of Sichuan and digital Sichuan. The online and offline launching ceremony of the "Yunzhi" expert think tank is held frequently.

At the scene, the cover news reporter learned that Zheng Weiqiang, Professor Meng Yanbei, Renmin University of China, Professor Zuo Weimin, Sichuan University, and the Director of the Comprehensive Management Office of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, etc. Approval of experts.

What is the "Yunzhi" expert think tank?

Zhang Yanqiu, Dean of the First Council of Railway, said that establishing the "Yunzhi" expert think tank platform will promote the further improvement of the digital rule of law of the Chengdu Internet court and further improve the development of the rule of law on the Internet. I hope that experts and scholars can focus on the new era, new mission, and new tasks, give full play to their own advantages, condense wisdom, suggestions and suggestions, provide strong intellectual support for Internet judicial practice, and help the Chengdu Railway Transport First Court. "Expert think tanks leveraged the construction of the" Think Tank Court ", in -depth exploration, grasping, and using the laws of network space governance, and an open, inclusive and shared Internet judicial research platform, and the maximum judicial productive forces were released.

Yang Cheng, secretary of the party group and dean of the Chengdu Railway Transport Intermediate Court, introduced that from the first cross -administrative district's jurisdiction institution, the Chengdu Internet Court was established in the first court of Chengdu Railway, and then operated to the Central Legal Affairs District of Tianfu For more than a year, the Chengdu Internet Court has to further move towards the work goal of "standing benchmarking and creating a brand". He pointed out that the Chengdu Internet Court must grasp the digital economy to do excellence and strengthen the new "air outlet", vigorously promote the construction of Internet judicial and smart courts, and explore a new model of digital social governance.

What are the members of the "Yunzhi" expert think tank?

Cover reporters learned that at the scene, 23 experts from the Provincial Party Committee's Internet Information Office, universities, and research institutes were hired as members of the "Yunzhi" expert think tank.

After the launching ceremony, online experts represent Professor Yingying, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Cheng Xiao of Tsinghua University, and Professor Zuo Weimin of Sichuan University on behalf of Sichuan University, Professor Lu Li, Southwest University of Finance and Economics, and Professor Hou Guoyue of Southwest University of Political Science and Law. Speaking, experts unanimously stated that under the background and judicial needs of the new era, the establishment of the think tank in the deep integration of theoretical research and judicial practice, deepening exchanges and cooperation with colleges and research institutions, and jointly solving the development of digital technology and digital economy. The issue is of great significance to promote the development of digital rule of law.

What do "Yunzhi" expert think tank platform do?

Ning Fangwei, deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee's Internet Information Office, proposed that the Chengdu Internet Court will improve their political standing, ensure the construction of the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, and the strategic height of the development of the digital economy of Sichuan to understand the important meaning of the construction of a special court. Explore innovation and promote the construction of the central legal area of ​​Tianfu to achieve staged progress. Second, I hope that the Provincial High Court will continue to strengthen the grass -roots infrastructure, increase the support for the Chengdu Internet court in terms of capital, projects, talents, resources, etc., strengthen business guidance, and build the court into a "Sichuan model for the modernization of the trial system and judgment capability. "". Third, I hope that the think tank platform will play a bridge and bond, guide and support experts to make articles on the innovation of referee rules, litigation rules and implementation rules of the Internet case, and make precious opinions and suggestions to promote the construction of the Chengdu Internet court.

Liu Nan, a member of the party group and deputy dean of the Sichuan Provincial Higher People's Court, said that the people's court established an expert think tank to invite experts and scholars to provide intellectual support for the court's work. The exchange mechanism, realizing resource sharing, complementary advantages, and important measures to promote the construction of the court's "trial think tank", and play an important bridge role in strengthening the cultivation of high -quality rule of law in the new era and the in -depth integration of legal research and judicial practice. The realistic needs of high -quality development in the cause.

He emphasized that it is necessary to fully mobilize all aspects of forces to support the court's trial implementation work, absorb authoritative experts who can provide decision -making consulting in different fields and provide decision -making consulting for court work, and continuously improve the "soft power" of litigation services; The positive role of library "and" think tanks "promote judicial theory innovation, promote judicial reform, and promote judicial teams to build. Create a full -time research team, adhere to the principle of problem -oriented, strive to discover problems, and respond to solving problems; we must deeply grasp the development trend and internal laws of the digital economy, find the combination and entry point of judicial services, through the fair judgment and Reform and innovate, guide new technologies, new industries, new formats, and new models to standardize healthy development on the track of the rule of law, promote digital rule of law, and modernize the social governance system and governance capabilities.

The reform of the judicial system has been strong, and the smart courts are upgraded to iterative upgrades.The new type of "think tank" has a profound impact on decision -making, development and evaluation. In the future, the "Yunzhi" expert think tank platform of the Chengdu Internet Court is not only the "talent tank" of the elites of the field.The "communication database" of government roles and the people.Under the "three respect", that is, respectively, under the guarantee of respect, respect, and knowledge guarantee, "Yunzhi" will give full play to the unique role of the think tank platform counseling, enlightenment, and reasoning through the issues of collecting, reflection and evaluating the problems of judicial practice.In the application of the application of the comprehensive governance of the network comprehensive governance, the service guarantee to ensure the high -quality development of the digital economy in Sichuan, so that the people have more sense of gain, happiness, and security in sharing the results of the development of the Internet.

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