Thousands of designers Laissi Geng Rural Design -20122 Laicy's "Find the Most Beautiful Country Designer" contest officially launched

Author:Laosi Time:2022.07.20

On the morning of July 20th, 2022 Laixi City's "Finding the Most Beautiful Country Designer" contest officially kicked off in the new village of Zhihu Lake. More than 1,500 design elites from home and abroad will target 15 villages in the city to compete for the "golden ideas of golden ideas for the golden village. "". At the launching ceremony, Laixi City invited young people in various fields, looking forward to outstanding talents in Laixi to start a business, and draw a new picture of "rural revitalization Qilu model".

Create a rural revitalization model area

It is understood that the competition was sponsored by the CPC Laixi Municipal Party Committee and Laixi Municipal People's Government. The competition combined with more than 40 mainstream media and platforms to recruit the most beautiful rural designers.

At the launching ceremony of the competition, the organizer released the "When art meets the countryside" activity plan and recruit outstanding design talents at home and abroad. As the place of experience in the "Laixi Conference", Laixi City will inspire the innovative spirit of college students and related field practitioners in the contest, to encourage the majority of college students and related fields in the competition to help Lessey comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Strategic advancement.

In his speech, Zhou Ke, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, said that Laissi will openly embrace the guests and friends of Bazang, recruiting the "gold medal partners" of the Rice Village to revitalize the "gold medal partner" to help the rejuvenation and upgrading of Laixi villages, promote the innovation and development of beautiful rural construction. People from all walks of life in Laixi's "Rural Revitalization Partners" and "Corporate Village Directly" activities, hoping to provide a diverse entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, experts, scholars, planners, investors, etc. who have a career in Laixi country. Implementation scenes and entry points, painting with Laixi, the new picture of Qilu models with rural rejuvenation.

▲ The signing ceremony of the partner of the country's revitalization partner

At the launching ceremony, Laixi's rural rejuvenation and deepening expansion of the "Laixi Experience" key work class with some agricultural enterprises, college graduates representatives, and "two representatives and one member" and other "rural revitalization partners" Friends have issued invitations, hoping that more young people will go to Laixi to start a business to converge the strength of the youth and inject the youthful vitality to build a rich and strong Leesey, Ecological Lessi, and Happy Laixi.

Excellent works are expected to "blueprint" to come true

It is understood that this competition focuses on the three competitions of rural industrial planning, public space landscape design, and residential design category. Among them, the participants of rural industrial planning categories will understand the basic situation of the village and the resources that can be developed by the development of development through field surveys, combine the various conditions such as their socio -economic and living development Analyze the causes of the problem, put forward suggestions and plans for the development of four villages in the first, second, and tertiary industries, formulate the development direction and goals, and demonstrate their feasibility. The planning requires the industrial or project to have landing and rural areas. Development sustainability.

Public space landscape design contestants will choose one from 11 natural villages to plan the landscape design of important public space nodes marked in the village. Participants of the residential designs will carefully refine the core elements of Laixi's traditional houses, traditional culture and other core elements, and combine the characteristics of Laixi to integrate modern elements. Design requirements to pay attention to green architectural concepts, structural security, modern functional, local style, and economic applications to meet farmers to meet farmers to meet farmers to meet farmers. Happy life needs.

1500 people have signed up for the competition

Wait for you

It is reported that the competition will continue from July 2022 to September. In late August, the organizing committee of the competition will hold a design plan review meeting through two ways of online and offline, organize relevant units and experts to conduct preliminary reviews, and proposes the list of works of each category to shortlisted in the finals. In early September, the review results of the competition were released and award ceremony was held. Each category sets 3 first prizes, 5 second prizes, 10 third prizes, and 18 outstanding prizes. The prize setting is 20,000 yuan, the second prize is 10,000 yuan, and the third prize is 50,000 yuan. All shortlisted works will be awarded the award -winning certificate issued by the organizer of the competition. The award -winning team will give priority to the design of the detailed plan of the competition base. The organizer of the competition will be responsible for promoting the implementation of the award -winning design scheme to implement the "dreams come true".

As of now, the organizing committee of the competition has received 26 universities including Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Tianjin University, Harbin Institute of Technology, as well as the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,, China Institute of Architecture, and China Construction Shanghai Research Institute Co., Ltd. The application for participating in nearly 70 design institutions, the number of participants at home and abroad of more than 1,500 people.

After the launching ceremony, the contestants will also form a delegation to conduct on -site investigations and inspections of 15 villages involved in the competition in the next two days.

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