Shijiazhuang City releases 16 policies and measures to promote consumption

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.07.21

1. Expand car and refined oil consumption. Organize car dealers to carry out consumer coupon subsidy issuance activities. During the event, personal consumers who purchase cars will be given funding subsidies according to the actual turnover. Organize car dealers to carry out new car promotions, vehicles for new vehicles, new energy vehicle promotion, and automobiles to the countryside. Organize refined oil sales companies to actively carry out promotional activities.

Second, stabilize home residential goods consumption. Organize the promotion subsidy of the household appliances to benefit the people. During the event, on the basis of launching benefits and benefits of the people and enterprises, consumers purchase household appliances and provide funding subsidies at the sales price. Organize enterprises to carry out home appliances to promote the promotion activities of the old change, green change, and change of fashion consumption, and guide the market to expand the new home appliance varieties, and the sales growth rate of enterprises above the limited amount exceeds the provincial or municipal (based on the high growth rate of the two). Fund rewards. Encourage consumers to replace and purchase home products such as new environmental protection furniture to promote furniture home improvement consumption. Accelerate the development of long -term rental housing and affordable rental housing, effectively increase the supply of affordable rental housing, and support the depositor to withdraw housing provident funds for rental housing.

Third, develop special brand consumption. For newly introduced well -known large -scale retail companies, catering companies, and internationally renowned hotels in our city, the annual retail sales (turnover) exceed a certain standard, and will be awarded fund rewards at one time. Internationally and domestic and domestic retail companies will open the first brand and flagship store in our city, and will give fund rewards at one time according to the brand level and business area. Encourage supporting the city's old -fashioned, famous special products, etc. to carry out publicity activities on various media, exhibitions and other platforms; actively participate in the "Jiyi" old -fashioned promotional activities organized by the Provincial Department of Commerce and other relevant units and the 2022 Hebei African Heritage Purchase Festival and other each Class activities, adopt various forms of online and offline, to promote and propaganda in all aspects; promote large -scale complexes and large chain companies, and malls to set up old -fashioned counters to inherit the Yan Zhao culture, enhance the popularity and influence of the old brand brand in our city, and drive Featured consumption.

Fourth, boost catering consumption. Actively organize participation in the provincial construction of the "100 Thousands of Thousands" project and carry out activities such as "Ji cuisine" brand promotion. At the same time, 10 large -scale chain catering companies (including central kitchen and group meal enterprises) are selected from the city to support financial support; Continue to promote large -scale chain catering companies in our city to cultivate "Ji cuisine" masters, do a good job of promotion and promotion of "Ji Cai" Chongli Menu, the Winter Olympics menu, and attract public consumption; , Active catering market; combined with the issuance of consumer coupons, appropriately increase the distribution of catering and consumer coupons, and expand catering consumption. Innovate the catering consumption model, actively explore the establishment of food and benefit the people's consumption platform, promote catering companies to benefit the people, and upgrade to expand the catering market.

Fifth, expand cultural tourism consumption. Enrich the supply of cultural products, and to issue 15,000 "Shijiazhuang Cultural Huimin Card" for the city, and 45,000 "Shijiazhuang Tourism Huimin Card" issued. Hold the fourth Shijiazhuang Cultural and Creative and Tourism Commodity Competition, launch a group of colorful, beautiful and beautiful, and show the characteristics of cultural and creative products with Shijiazhuang characteristics to create "Shijiazhuang gifts". Actively connect with the "Leyou Ji" platform, promoting ticket reduction policies, non -heritage -themed tourism routes and other information on the platform, and continuously provide more characteristic non -heritage and cultural and creative products to the platform. Actively participate in the "Damei Yan Zhao Jixi Township Love" Hebei Rural Tourism Activities. ", Cultivate a number of national and provincial key villages and towns at the provincial and provincial level.

6. Construction of cultural tourism consumption gathering area. Promote the enrichment of consumer formats in national night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration areas, and improve the quality of the neighborhood. Support the optimized product and service supply of excellent cultural tourism consumer agglomerations in our city, and strive to create provincial and national night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration areas. Policy support is given to qualified new cultural tourism consumer gathering zones such as integrated culture, tourism, business, leisure and other formats.

7. Promote sports consumption. Relying on the Special Sports Consumption Voucher of the Provincial Sports Bureau, the Shijiazhuang sports consumer season activities with the theme of "New Sports · New Life" are carried out to drive sports consumption. Carry out youth skating summer experience camp activities, organize ice and snow experience season activities, promote the discounts of ice and snow venues, experience consumption, stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses, and promote ice and snow consumption. 30,000 "Youth Sports Passports" are issued to the city's traditional schools, and the free check -in experience of giving stadiums, sports training institutions and sports businesses at designated stadiums, sports training institutions and sports businesses will be available.

8. Do a good job of consumption promotion activities. Organize the issuance of consumer coupons, organize brands such as Shijiazhuang Shopping Festival, Food Festival, Music Season and other brands to promote consumer activities, and actively organize participation in "Happy Hebei Happy Purchase", "Car Purchase Festival", "Chinese Food Flows", "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival", "Night Economic Consumption "Seasons" and other offline promotional activities, "618", "Double 11", and e -commerce live broadcasts combined with online and offline consumer activities, organize local business companies, e -commerce companies through their own platforms or large e -commerce such as Platform cooperation, increase network promotion, and give consumers to consumers with low -cost discounts, issuing consumer coupons, and points lottery draws, stimulate consumption enthusiasm, and create a strong consumption atmosphere. The seven districts, high -tech zones, and Zhengding County of the city organize more than 5 promotions, and other counties (cities, districts) organize more than two units. Support business enterprises to participate in provincial and municipal consumer activities, or independently organize and jointly organize large -scale, unique and prominent consumer activities, and invest a certain scale to give fund rewards. The "Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City Sports Experience One Card" was issued, and the city's sports fitness venues were publicized to participate in the implementation of marketing activities such as gifts, discounts, and experiences to effectively integrate the resources of the city's stadiums in the city and promote the city's sports fitness consumption. 9. Improve urban consumption infrastructure. For key business projects that are completed and through acceptance and use, they will give different funds rewards according to the investment scale. For enterprise headquarters, high -quality listed companies from other places to our city, and newly entered the industry's top 100 business companies, they will give fund rewards at one time. Actively strive for the country's "pilot cities for the construction of the convenience of the convenience of the convenience service circle", focusing on the construction of community convenience service networks such as convenience stores, comprehensive supermarkets, vegetable markets, breakfast shops, and convenience consumer service centers. In 2022, 100 new brand chain convenience stores above. Vigorously implement the market benefit project, and give the funding market for newly built or reconcile and meet the relevant standards. Each project will give funding awards to each project to give funding awards for each project of the community. repair). Each county (city, district) builds at least one characteristic commercial district. From 2022 to 2024, the national pedestrian street transformation and improvement pilot creation and cultivation fund support will be given each year. , Comprehensively ranking for other neighborhoods, the top 15 ranking grades give funding support. For the investment of more than 10 million yuan, large scale, and outstanding characteristics, funding subsidies are given. Support the creation of a green warehouse, and give fund rewards according to the assessment level. In 2022, the city was built in 1-2 supply and marketing system circulation network strong counties.

10. Improve the circulation system of rural consumer goods. Actively strive for the central government's special funds and support the construction of the county business system. In 2022, the city's 4 counties (cities) first tried it to accelerate the establishment and improvement of county -centered county -centered, towns and towns, and villages. Continue to promote the construction of national e -commerce comprehensive demonstration county projects, and improve the downlink and agricultural product uplink capacity of industrial products. Promote the construction of agricultural supply chain, and in 2022, the city focuses on cultivating 3 agricultural supply chains. Strengthen the production and sales of agricultural products, build a docking and exchange platform for agricultural products production and circulation enterprises, and promote cooperation between the two parties of production and sales.

11. Cultivate e -commerce leading enterprises. Relying on the Internet platform of local advantageous industries, if the annual transaction volume exceeds 5 billion yuan for the first time, a one -time fund reward is given. Focusing on the development of e -commerce platforms, parks and live broadcast bases with great contributions to online retail performance and outstanding industrial driving capabilities. If the annual online retail sales reached more than 50 million yuan, they will give fund rewards. Focusing on the construction of the national and provincial demonstration parks, the new national and provincial e -commerce demonstration bases and enterprises, which are newly evaluated (including replenishment), are given one -time fund reward. For new media live broadcast bases and enterprises registered in our city, one -time fund rewards are given in accordance with investment, scale, and contributions. Strengthen the in -depth cooperation with well -known domestic platforms such as, and give funding support for the "one thing, one discussion" of signing major projects. Use the provincial special e -commerce special award funds to organize activities such as industrial cluster e -commerce application competitions and resource docking meetings to promote online transactions in well -known enterprises in our city to create Internet brands.

12. Increase the rescue efforts to help enterprises. Comprehensively implement the national and provincial and municipalities of the difficulty of bailout policies such as catering, retail, tourism, highway water and railway transportation, and continue to increase assistance in terms of tax refund, reduction, cost reduction, reducing costs, and convenient operations. On the basis of the five specialty industry units including catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, highway water railway transportation, etc., they should pay some implementation of three social security premium policies on the basis of implementing three social security premium policies. Focus on manufacturing companies, further expand the scope of implementation. Slowly payment and expansion of companies that belong to the industry may apply for the payment section of three social insurance premium units. Encourage government agencies and institutions to meet the provisions of exhibition activities, trade union activities, visits and learning, red education, party building training and other activities, entrust travel agencies to act as agents to arrange tourism, accommodation, catering, conference affairs, clarify service content, service standards and other detailed requirements for refining requirements , Strengthen the management of funds. Carry out the in -depth cleaning and rectification of enterprises -related fees, actively implement the electrical price price policy of provincial power supply links, and clean up unreasonable price increases.

13. Strengthen fiscal tax support. Comprehensively implement the national and provincial tax policies that further reduce the import tariffs of high -quality consumer goods that are closely related to the people's lives and demand strong demand, and do a good job of reform and services of tax collection and management. Actively promote qualified consumer -related infrastructure and service guarantee capabilities construction projects into the scope of support for local government special bonds and special funds. Optimize tax handling services, improve the efficiency of tax handling, and implement the policy of value -added tax deduction policy. 14. Strengthen financial support services. Guide financial institutions to increase their support for the affected industry, continue to increase the credit resources of inclusive small and micro enterprises, and meet the financing needs of the loan subject. Continue to promote the implementation of financial institutions to reduce fees for profits, guide financial institutions to make profit from the real economy, and continuously reduce corporate operating costs. Increase consumer credit investment and enrich the consumer and rural consumer financial products and services.

15. Improve consumer convenience services. Support business enterprises to carry out promotional activities in accordance with laws and regulations, and strengthen supervision and post -event supervision. Relaxing the control and limitations of the external plans allows various commercial pedestrian street merchants to carry out external operation operations, and allows large -scale commercial supermarkets, mall shopping malls, and automobile 4S stores to carry out outdoor promotion and display promotion activities in their own squares. For many activities held by the economic agglomeration areas and major business districts at the same venue at the same time, the implementation is implemented.

16. Give full play to the guidance of industrial support policies. Actively play a demonstration and guidance role in supporting the development of modern business logistics industry development policies such as "several measures to support modern business and logistics industry (trial)". Great support for the development of new consumer formats and new models to improve consumer supply.

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