Jiangsu introduced the method of identification of special difficulties to relax the identification conditions to ensure that it should be raised

Author:Jiangnan Times Time:2022.07.21

As of the end of June, Jiangsu has guaranteed 203,700 people with a total of 203,700 people. The reporter learned from the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Civil Affairs that recently, our province has formulated and introduced the "Measures for the Confirmation of Special Personnel in Jiangsu Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), which moderately relax the relevant identification conditions, refine the specific provisions of the income property, and strengthen the connection with related policies. Further regulate the identification of the province's special poverty -stricken personnel to ensure that it should be rescued and raised. The Measures will be implemented from August 1.

According to the "Measures", at the same time, the elderly, disabled and minors who have no labor ability, no source of life, unable to determine or obligations, or their legal obligations shall be included in the support of the support of the people in accordance with the law.

The "Measures" moderately relaxed the relevant identification conditions. The types and levels of disability of the "no labor ability" have been expanded. On the basis of the original identification of "first, second -level intelligence, mental disability, first -level physical disability", "third -level intelligence, mental disability, mental disabilities, and disability have been added. People, second -level physical disability and first -level vision disabled ". The identification conditions of the "legal obligations have no ability to perform their obligations". Based on the scope of the original identification, it clearly stipulates that my income is lower than the local per capita disposable income, and the property meets the 70 years of age stipulated in the property status of the local subsistence allowances. The above -mentioned elderly people, severe disabled, and mental disabilities with levels of disability should be identified as no ability to fulfill their obligations. At the same time, the age of minors covering the support of special poverty -stricken rescue support has been extended from 16 years of age to 18 years of age, and minors stipulated in the special poverty -stricken persons can continue to enjoy rescue support to 18 years old; For ordinary high schools and secondary vocational schools, you can continue to enjoy rescue support.

The "Measures" strengthened policy connection. For wandering beggars who have completed the registration procedures of the public security organs and meet the support conditions of the poor personnel, they can simplify the procedure into the scope of support for the rescue of the special difficulties and implement the rescue policy. If it is included in the scope of rescue support for the special difficulties, the minimum living security policy is no longer applied; the disabled persons who are included in the scope of rescue of the special difficulties will no longer enjoy the living subsidies and severe disabled nursing subsidies of the disabled. At the same time, minors who meet the conditions of rescue and support for the rescue of the special poverty, or the orphans, or the conditions of the fact that no one care for children, choose to apply for the scope of the basic living guarantee of orphans and the fact that no one cares about children, and no one will be identified as special pilest people.

The "Measures" clarify the application for acceptance and review confirmation procedures. Applying for the rescue and support of the special poverty -stricken personnel shall be proposed by the people's government (street office) to the township and township of the household registration. If you apply for difficulties, you can entrust the village (resident) committee or other agents to submit the application. The "Measures" also stipulates that the township (street) review process has no objection during the expiration of the publicity period, and may not conduct democratic evaluations. Only the objects such as complaints and reports such as complaints and reports are performed. Put the authority in the township people's government (street office) under the permissions, further simplify the optimization of identification procedures, shorten the time limit for handling, and ensure that the people in need can get rescue in time and conveniently.

(Reporter Qian Haiying)

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