Safety Cultural Experts Talk | Understanding of the Safety and Cultural Concepts of the Civil Aviation Industry

Author:China Civil Aviation News Time:2022.07.21

Civil aviation safety culture is the value concept, work criteria, work style, moral norms, and common vision of the civil aviation enterprise in the process of ensuring aviation safety. It is closely related. Safety culture is the conscious behavior and condition reflex of cadres and employees, the idea of ​​cadres and employees that can guide their behavior by default, and the belief and belief that cadres and employees insist on. Civil aviation safety culture is not a simple slogan. Its formation is a long and complicated process, and at the same time, it is subtle and advancing with the times. Active civil aviation safety culture always affects the thoughts and behaviors of cadres and employees, which is conducive to enhancing the safety awareness of the whole staff, improving team cohesion, improving the safety level of enterprises, and promoting the high -quality development of enterprises. It is the most fundamental support for enterprises to grow and strengthen.

If the security culture of the civil aviation industry is a macro requirement, then the corporate safety culture is the specific manifestation of the civil aviation industry's safety culture and micro extension. In the process of vigorously practicing the safety culture of the civil aviation industry, enterprises closely combine the industry's safety culture with the specific actual situation of the enterprise and the corporate culture, and inherit and carry forward, forming a unique corporate security culture. For example, the security culture of the civil aviation industry advocates "awe of life, awe of the rules, and awe of responsibilities". For the "awe of the regulations", Xiamen Airlines has vigorously advocated, the management of management is the first to create a comprehensive implementation of the implementation level, and the implementation of the execution level will jointly create "" All behaviors form a system, all system forms manuals, and all manuals are implemented in action "manual cultural atmosphere, so as to allow Zunzhang to keep the discipline, operate in accordance with the chapters into the fields of safety, operation, operation, service, team management, etc. The security concept of employees "" manual leaders "is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

How to enhance the recognition of cadres and employees in corporate security culture? It is necessary to vigorously promote the construction of responsibility culture, institutional culture, justice culture, communication culture, learning culture, and integrity culture system, establish a standardized and effective all -staff safety responsibility system, security operation mechanism, security information communication mechanism, security training mechanism, safety education mechanism , Take the lead in facing the mechanism, establish and practice the security values ​​of the ability, abide by the rules, integrity, and willingness to take responsibility, so as to better condense people's hearts together, unify the minds, and close the interests of all employees with the development of the enterprise closely with the development of the enterprise In combination, through the use of mechanisms to restrain people, retain people with feelings, use treatment to inspire people, use careers to achieve people, continuously increase employees 'sense of belonging, stimulate employees' sense of responsibility, employees can love enterprises like home, actively participate in the safety and of the enterprise's safety and Development work, forming a joint force, and ultimately transformed into a safe combat effectiveness. (Author He Baishun is a member of the Civil Aviation Safety Cultural Expert Group, unit: Xiamen Airlines)

This article is published on the 2nd edition of China Civil Aviation News on July 21, 2022

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