The State Administration of Taxation: New "Returning Slows" taxes and fees have exceeded 3 trillion yuan

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.07.22

China Economic Net, Beijing, July 22. Wang Daoshu, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation, said at a special press conference on the new combined tax support policy. New tax reduction and tax refund and slow tax rates exceed 3 trillion yuan.

It mainly includes three parts: First, there have been 2000.5 billion yuan in value -added taxes to the taxpayer account since this year, exceeding three times the tax refund scale of last year.

Second, the number of new tax reductions in the country in the first half of the year was 507.4 billion yuan. Among them, the new tax reduction was 409.7 billion yuan, and the new cost reduction was 97.7 billion yuan. From the perspective of policy projects, small -scale taxpayers' "six tax and two fees" reduction policy further expanded to small micro -profit enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, adding tax reductions of 83 billion yuan; Based on 1%, the value-added tax will be exempted from April 1 this year, and the tax reduction is 79.3 billion yuan; the taxable income of small micro-profit enterprises is 100-3 million yuan. Yuan; continuing to implement the policy of reducing work -related injuries and unemployment insurance rates in stages, adding 80.5 billion yuan for new costs.

Third, the cumulative tax slowing fee of 553.3 billion yuan has been handled since this year. Among them, continuing to implement the small and medium -sized enterprises of small and medium -sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry, and handle 525.7 billion yuan in taxes and fees; April to June is a difficult industry and a greater impact of the epidemic. Small and medium -sized enterprises handle social insurance premiums 27.6 billion yuan.

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