Kezuozhong Banner Public Security Bureau: Tackling the hidden safety hazards to build Ping Anke Zuozhong Banner

Author:Splendid left Time:2022.07.23

With the distinctive attitude and determination of "re -departure", the Public Security Bureau of Kezuo Zhongqi strives to solve the pain points, blocking points, and difficulties that affect the social security environment to establish a zero -to zero mentality, and strive to achieve new new starting points on the new starting point. Breakthrough. Kezuo Zhongqi Public Security Bureau carried out the "100 -day action" of summer public security strikes, strictly observed the first pass, implemented the last meter line, and created a comprehensive barrier of Ping An Zuozhong.

Strictly adhere to the first "pass". Kezuo Zhongqi Public Security Bureau strengthened the responsibility of taking over the police and the responsibility of being established, adhered to scientific responsibilities, fulfilling their duties in accordance with the law, serious accountability, and effectively allowed the system to "grow teeth", let disciplinary "charges", and promote the full police to be a police officer to be connected to be connected. , On -site must be produced, the case must be established, the case must be investigated, the information must be recorded, and the losses must be investigated; Transparent running, strive to ensure the law enforcement and regulate law enforcement. Do a good job of supporting the police station "addition and subtraction"; adhere to the police force to follow the police, resources follow the needs, further improve the support system of the police department for the work of the police station, clarify hierarchical positioning and law enforcement authority, improve the supervision system, urge the law enforcement to abide by law enforcement "The first pass".

Implement the last "one meter line". Kezuo Zhongqi Public Security Bureau improves the comprehensive guarantee of law enforcement, and builds a closed loop of the entire process of law enforcement. 18 Police Station in the Banner Realizing the full coverage of the Bao Federation. By issuing a list of inspection work lists and establishing an assessment reward and punishment mechanism, the police participating in the Pakistani work must be checked to take over the police and the case of establishing a case. The development of the work of finding prevention must be investigated, and the construction and use of law enforcement cases must be checked. Actively help grassroots police stations to discover various types of law enforcement issues. Improve the "Red and Black List" exposure mechanism, strengthen assessment and evaluation, and resolutely implement the last "one meter line".

Give full play to the integration mechanism of "referring to diligence", and adhere to the work goal and ending point of "political security, stability of the overall situation, economic development, and people's happiness". Close loop, bring together various police conditions and case information, further report "midfielder", strengthen the "frontcourt" to strengthen the "frontcourt", prevent the "backcourt", accelerate the construction of integrated combat and full attacks Quanshou Public Security has a new pattern of work, and continuously improves the ability of the safe and promoting the social security environment to protect the safety of one party.

(Zhang Wei, the Public Security Bureau of Kezuo Zhongqi)

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