The life of a person is paying for cognition

Author:Ask Zen Time:2022.07.23


Cognition is a gap that is difficult to surpass between people


Author: cherry

Source: Jingbo Guoxue (ID: jingboguoxue)

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" has a saying: "The virtuality is true, but the reality is false."

It means that you see that it is virtual, it is actually real, it is real, it is actually virtual.

True, false or false, false and truth, the appearance and essence of things are often different.

What we can see is often just the corner of the iceberg floating on the water, not the so -called truth.

Seeing not necessarily true

There is a saying in "Wake -ups" saying: "Seeing Fang Yi is, rumors may not be true."

It means that what you see is the truth of the thing, and the news from others cannot be taken seriously.

But is this really the case?

There is such a story in "Lu's Spring and Autumn".

When Confucius and his disciples traveled around the country, the journey was trapped, and there were no meals.

One day, Yan Hui was about to cook some white rice. When the rice was cooked, Confucius saw that Yan Hui was secretly grasping the rice with his hands, and his heart was unhappy.

After the meal came to the table, Confucius said, "I just dreamed of my ancestors, so I first brought the clean rice to sacrifice my ancestors!"

Yan Hui said in a panic: "No, I have eaten this pot of rice and cannot be used to sacrifice their ancestors."

Confucius asked: "Why?"

Yan Hui was embarrassed to reply: "It is a pity that the dust fell into the pot, and it was a pity that it was a pity that it was a pity that I picked it up."

After Confucius listened, he said ashamed: "The believer is the eyes, but the eyes are still unparalleled."

This is to say that even if we believe in our eyes, what we see is not necessarily true.

Even the holy saints will easily doubt Yan Hui's character, let alone you and me?

But Confucius can quickly understand the truth of the matter, eliminate doubts, and fight against the province. What about us?

In the final analysis, the eyes are always seeing the appearance, broadening the horizon, and when you see where others can't see, you can read the world.

Prejudice is more terrible than ignorance

"Xunzi" has a saying: "The sufferings of mortals are covered by Dali."

The problem of ordinary people is often that it is easy to be blinded by local prejudice and cannot see the overall situation.

We are born with prejudice, so the truth in everyone's hearts is different, but the truth will always be only one.

When you go to see things with great prejudices, cognition will become narrower and narrow, and the truth you see will always be just illusions.

We have all heard the story of blind people touching the image.

There are five blind people who want to know the elephant, but they are inherently invisible, and they can only be perceived with their hands.

The first blind man touched the elephant's leg, and said, "Elephant is a big pillar!"

The second blind man touched the elephant's nose and said, "Wrong, the elephant is thick and long, like a python."

The third blind man touched the ears of the elephant and retorted: "You are not right, the elephant is actually like a large fan fan."

The fourth blind man touched the body of the elephant, and said, "Elephant is obviously a wall, thick and strong."

In the end, the blind man who touched the elephant tail and said, "You are all wrong. According to me, this is a thick rope."

For this reason, the five blind people stick to their prejudice, and they all feel that their ideas are right and quarrel.

Obviously, they are all wrong.

Only those who are prejudiced in their hearts can never see the truth of things.

There is a cloud of Buddhism: "Go to me, in addition to prejudice, everything can be achieved in the heart, and the boundless."

Don't be a blind man with eyes in this society of Zhao Zhao Sun and Moon!

Only by abandoning prejudice and opening your thinking can you break through the inherent level of cognition and see the truth of the matter.

When you no longer focus on self -experience, you can accept the internal province in advance, and tolerate and less lift the bar can you inspect the human nature and watch the world.

The life of a person is paying for cognition

I agree with one sentence: "Cognition is a difficult gap between people."

Your level of cognition determines the height of your life, and your life is also paying for cognition.

Most of us are ordinary people, they will trust our eyes, don't care about their prejudice, and constantly struggle in our cognitive thinking cage.

But as Yang Yan said, "Although people are small, their lives are short, but people can learn, people can cultivate their body, people can self -improve, and people are valuable in their own."

How to improve your cognitive level and level? May wish to do the following three points:

1. In -depth thinking

People with a degree do not necessarily have culture, people with culture do not necessarily have talent, and talented people may not have wisdom. Wisdom is the essence of cognition, which is higher than the dimension of knowledge culture.

If you want to improve the level of cognition, the accumulation of knowledge and skills is not enough, and you must also have the ability to think deeply.

Many times, the improvement of cognitive level is that after you see some simple problems, you can think about it for a while, and then understand its deep meaning and see where others cannot see.

2. Lifetime learning

Gou is new, new and new.

Times are changing, cognition is changing, if you stagnate, then you are retreating.

Then your three views and cognitions will become more and more narrow, like sitting and watching the sky.

As the saying goes: "Live to old, learn old."

Go all the way and learn all the way. When your knowledge density and the wider knowledge, the higher your cognitive thinking ability.

If you look at things, you will not stay in your own cognitive deviation, and you will not be easily confused by appearance. You can see the nature behind various appearances.

3. Upgrade circle

The circle of ordinary people is about gossip of idle things, thinking about survival;

The circle of business people is about profit operation, and wealth is required;

The circle of smart people talks about the growth of the pattern and chasing the truth.

This tells us that different circles have different thinking cognitions.

Therefore, walking with excellent people, opening your vision and pattern, your level of life will continue to improve.

I am encouraged with friends!

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- END -

farewell!Another superstar fell

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