The small car high -speed "strike", this wave of operation is shocking!

Author:Leping Public Security Time:2022.07.24

What should I do if a failure occurs on the highway?

of course

The car is evacuated to call the police

However, these people did not do so

But travel to the high speed

Can't help but let Shu Yan sweat for it

Recently, G25 Changshen Expressway

The three of Chen drove the car

From Jinhua West to Yongkang

During the driving, the water tank cover of the car was loosened

After the water in the water tank under the high temperature environment

The car "strikes" directly

After the car stops

Two people from the car

Nothing to take early warning measures in the rear

Nor did it evacuate outside the right guardrail


They pushed forward for dozens of meters forward

I found that the car still can't start

The driver Chen got out of the car and repaired the car on the main line

There is no alarm during the period

Nor did it evacuate in time

Until the police and rescuers arrived at the scene

Bring them away from the high speed

Police reminder

Before driving in highways, you must check the vehicle to ensure good vehicle performance; after a highway vehicle fails or accidents, you must "report to the police to evacuate by the side of the vehicle."

Reprinted from Jinhua Public Security

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