"Fresh Fujian Wonderful Longyan" appeared at the China International Travel Fair, Longyan cultural tourism elements attract Chinese and foreign tourists

Author:Red Culture Weekly Time:2022.07.24

"Fresh Fujian Wonderful Longyan" appeared at the China International Travel Fair, Longyan cultural tourism elements attract Chinese and foreign tourists

The 2022 China International Tourism Fair, co -sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the China Civil Aviation Administration, and the Yunnan Provincial People's Government, was held in Kunming, Yunnan from July 22 to 24, 2022. Zhou Lianqing, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress, attended the opening ceremony. Wang Jinfu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Cultural Traveler, led the cultural tourism departments and cultural tourism enterprises in various regions to participate in the trading conference. Longyan, as the only city of Fujian Province, to participate in the exhibition, and the western Chinese drama, western Fujian Hakka puppets, carving printing skills, Yongding Wan Ying tea production skills, etc. Landscape.

Wang Ning and others of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Wang Ning and others visited the Fujian Pavilion


Let's take a look

The grand occasion of the Longyan area in Fujian exhibition area ~

Leading and guests experience carvings Tuobu

Lin Xi, a cultural tourism promotion in our city, Liu Hongjian, member of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee, Zhou Lianqing, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress, and Wang Jinfu, secretary of the party group and director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture, introduced puppet calligraphy.

Fujian Chinese drama and puppet calligraphy performance

Wang Jinfu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture, Xiao Changpei, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Culture Traveling, took a group photo with Longyan delegation

During the China International Tourism Fair, Longyan Cultural Tourism Bureau and Yunnan Self -driving and RV Camping Association held a self -driving tourism discussion promotion meeting in Kunming and signed a strategic cooperation agreement.

The exhibition area of ​​the International Travel Fair is about 80,000 square meters, and about 4,200 standard booths are set up, which attracts 71 countries and regions, 31 provinces (cities, autonomous regions), and 261 independent exhibition groups from 71 countries and regions, and 261 independent exhibition groups to participate in the exhibition. Fujian Province appeared at the exhibition with the theme of "Fujian Minshan Min Waterfront Fresh and Fresh Fujian Touring You Tour". The booth area was 240 square meters. Five exhibition areas including video exhibition area, exhibitors promotion area, exhibit exhibition area, picture exhibition area, performance area, etc. , Comprehensively demonstrate Fujian cultural tourism resources and cultural tourism products, promote the global "Fresh Fujian Humanities and Blessing Land", and promote the "Red Gushang, Health Longyan" boutique tourist routes.


Source: Cultural Tourism Longyan

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