Dragon Wa Garden Painting Early Summer!Labor education for Longfeng International School of Pujiang County

Author:Blue media education Time:2022.06.15

"You see, this tree was planted by my own hands. There were several tomatoes growing, and now they are almost mature, red and cute. I want to draw it and record the beautiful moments in the brush. "In the early summer, the" Longwa Ecological Park "of Longfeng International School of Pujiang County was full of vibrant and lush and lush, showing green vitality everywhere. The teacher is leading the children into the vegetable garden, starting with the writing movement, while getting close to nature, feel the joy of labor.


In order to further implement the "double reduction" work requirements and strive to achieve a win -win situation of "burden reduction" and "quality increase", Pujiang County Longfeng International School is based on the actual situation of the school, with the five education and led by the special courses of labor education. +Point Single "Hosting Service Course, conduct a variety of labor practice courses every Wednesday and after -on -course custody service time every Thursday. The school focuses on the needs of students' comprehensive development and effectively strengthened labor education. Here, children can witness the growth process of fruits and vegetables, experience the hard work of planting and the joy of gaining. The survival of the vegetable garden is a microcosm of the school's labor education.



In addition, the school also united with the county chief union and county science and technology associations to normalize the activities of "craftsmen entering the campus" and "popular science enrollment campus" activities. A "double reduction" path with characteristics, temperature, and measures.

Correspondent Zhang Pianzi

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