Qi Tian's experimental compartment and the core compartment combination of the sky and the core compartment will be connected to the track

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.07.26

According to the China Manned Aerospace Engineering Office, after asking the Tianjin Experimental Cels, it successfully completed the status settings. At 3:13 on July 25, 2022, Beijing time, successfully connected to the front port of the heaven and the core cabin, and the entire meeting was connected to the docking.The process lasted about 13 hours.

This is the first time that the two 20 -ton spacecraft have achieved the docking of the rail on the orbit. It is also the first time that space stations have astronauts during the track.

According to the task plan, Shenzhou 14 Aerospace Commission will then enter the experimental compartment of the question.

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