Behind "Strict Waiting", the Chinese side intends to visit Taiwan for "building the South Wall" 丨 Phoenix Observation

Author:Phoenix Television Time:2022.07.26

On July 25, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijian at the press conference to visit the US House President Pelosi in Taiwan to respond again that China is strictly waiting. If the United States is interested, China will take firm and powerful measures to defend national sovereignty and the sovereignty and Standardous.

According to foreign media reports, China has strengthened warnings on the issue of Perlis, a member of the United States, and some sources said that this may lead to the Chinese military response.

In this regard, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded at a press conference on July 25 that China has recently stated to the United States that he has resolutely opposed the serious concerns and serious positions of the Speaker of Pelosi.

Perlis recently said that the U.S. Department of State is urging Russia as a "country that supports terrorism." In this regard, Zhao Lijian said that the United States should do more about politics to solve Russia and Ukraine's conflict.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian:

China has always believed that on the Ukrainian issue, dialogue negotiations are the only way to resolve disputes. The United States should create positive conditions for Russia and Ukraine negotiations and do more things that are conducive to politics.

In addition, Mili, chairman of the joint meeting of the U.S. Chiefs of Staff, said that the Chinese army has become more dangerous in the past five years and has increased significantly in the Pacific and its allies in the Pacific region. In this regard, Zhao Lijian criticized that the United States' statement was completely reversed in black and white, and it was to find excuses for his expansion of military strength.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian:

Who frequently dispatched warships and military planes to Yao Wu Yangwei outside the country? Who is challenging regional peace and stability? Who is more aggressive? The fact is clear at a glance. What the relevant US officials should do is to abandon the Cold War Zero and the thinking, stop the hype of "China threat theory", and stop talking about China.

Phoenix Observation: China plans to visit Taiwan for "building the South Wall" for Pelosi

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian at the press conference on July 25 to the US House of Representatives Perlis plan to visit Taiwan again, saying that China is strictly waiting. If the United States is interested, China will take firm and powerful measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial territory. whole. How to view the statement of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs this time? The following comments from Phoenix Satellite TV current affairs commentator Mr. Zheng Hao

This warning is probably the most severe warning of the United States in history.

The word "strictly waiting" is not just a diplomatic resignation. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman adopted the word, which believes to some extent reflects the military's position in defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives visited Taiwan in history, in 1997. Now Pelosi has once again provoked the bottom line of mainland China, but now, if Pelosi really wants to "play fire", the United States may encounter unexpected serious consequences. The Chinese side proposed that "strictly waiting", seriously warning the United States, not only drawing a red line for the United States, but also representing a "South Wall". If the United States wants to hit the "South Wall", it will bear the consequences.

According to foreign media sources, Pelosi's office is still planning plans for visiting Taiwan. In other words, they did not dispel or completely dispelled the plan. This is actually to further challenge China's bottom line. In this case, China builds a "South Wall". Perosi and the United States will give them a lesson if they hit them.

Source: Phoenix Satellite TV Information Station

Edit: Qiu Guo

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