Reporting for the Political Rotation Training Course of the Fire Rescue Detachment of Longnan City (10): Organize the completion examination

Author:Longnan Fire Time:2022.07.26

In order to test the quality and effect of the first phase of the cadre political rotation training course in 2022, recently, the Longnan Fire Rescue Detachment adopted the online answer to the exam questions and video monitoring, and organized all the students of the training course to conduct the theoretical examination of the completion.

This test is an effective test of the early learning and training situation. Find the loopholes and deficiencies in learning, improve the literacy and professional ability of political theoretical theoretical, improve the level of performance ability, and internalize the effectiveness of learning and externalize it. Effectively achieve the purpose of "promoting learning and promoting the use of learning"; at the same time, it also improves the party spirit, ideological and political quality and business quality of grassroots cadres and organization secretaries for the detachment, accurately grasp the requirements of party building work, and master the team under the new situation. It provides a valid basis for the work and methods of work.

In the next step, the detachment will take the opportunity of this training completion examination as an opportunity to continue to deepen the training and learning content. In accordance with the general requirements of "keeping the original intention, the mission, the gap, and the implementation" The level and ability to perform their duties have laid a solid foundation for promoting the comprehensive development of party organization construction and striving to build a fire rescue team with a strong service awareness, good work style, and high business level.

Produced 丨 Li Hongping School Audit 丨 Wang Junji

Text 丨 Organization Cadre Division 丨 All Media Center

Edit 丨 Zhang Yuzhuo Longnan Fire Fighting All Media Center released

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