Mingchuang Youpin responds to Blue Orca Capital short selling report

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.07.27

[Dahecai Cube News] On the morning of July 27, Mingchuang Youpin issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to respond to Blue ORCA Capital short -selling report.

Mingchuang Youpin stated in the announcement that the report was not based on it, and included misleading conclusions and interpretations of relevant company information.The company's board of directors is examining these allegations and considers to take appropriate action to protect the interests of all shareholders.Based on the suggestions of the company's management and to protect the interests of all shareholders, the board of directors decided to establish an independent committee consisting of independent directors Xu Lili, Zhu Baohua and Wang Yongping, which aims to supervise the independent investigation of the relevant allegations in the report.The independent committee may hire independent professional consultants to assist in independent investigations at a time.

Responsible editor: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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