Fighting the front line and bravery

Author:Ecological Ya'an Time:2022.06.08

After the \"6 · 1\" Lushan earthquake occurred, members of the CPPCC and CPPCC workers actively responded to the CPPCC's call and initiative, moved quickly, took the initiative to participate,Gathering your heart and gathering, gather consensus and strength of all parties to actively participate in earthquake relief, go deep into the most urgent need for the people in the disaster area, and work together to help the masses in the disaster area, disaster investigation, self -help and mutual assistance, health prevention and recovery of production and life in the disaster area.It contributed the power of the CPPCC for earthquake resistance and disaster relief, showing the responsibility of the CPPCC.

\"Come, I will carry you.\" After the earthquake, Feng Bo, member of the Lushan County CPPCC and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Taiping TownWhen the place name was), when the affected people were transferred, he saw a 70 -year -old man who was inconvenient to move, and he quickly recited the old man crossing the river.

The picture shows Feng Bo's back to the river.

Ya'an Daily All -Media Reporter Zheng Yan

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