From control to prevention and control!Luzhou Audit to build a risk defense line to supervise the effectiveness

Author:Luzhou Daily Time:2022.07.28

Chenzhou Daily Correspondent Li Xiaolin Jiang Zhiping

Since the beginning of this year, the audit of Luzhou has continuously innovated the audit concept, focused on the economic work center of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and effectively exerted the "economic inspection" function of audit disclosure, early warning reminders, and timely correction. Prevent and resolve risks and promote economic development, build risk defense lines with the effectiveness of audit supervision, and clear up to poison for the sustainable and healthy economy.

Be a "staff member" of good government decisions

The introduction of party committees and government policies and measures is the "bull nose" to prevent and resist risks. As a functional department that undertakes economic supervision, Chenzhou Audit Improved Audit Supervision and Service Methods, the supervision is on critical places, used on the blade, and changed the "large water dripping" control as "precise drip irrigation" prevention and control. Since last year, the Municipal Audit Bureau has attended the executive meeting of the municipal government throughout the process, reviewed the review of the executive meeting of the signing meeting, and put forward audit opinions or suggestions on economic matters such as important document policies, decisions and contracts issued by the government and departments. In the first half of this year, a total of 12 cities' executive meetings, 63 municipal documents, systems, and contracts issued audit opinions or suggestions to help the government prevent risks from the source and improve the level of governance.

Be a "whistle" with a good risk hazard

The newly revised Audit Law stipulates that "the audit organs perform their duties of audit supervision and find that there are hidden risks in the operation of economic and social operations, shall report to the people's government at the people at the same time or inform relevant competent authorities and units in a timely manner." In the first half of the year, the audit of Luzhou " The transformation of the "type of supervision of the disease and preventing the disease" has been changed to key areas and weak links that may affect the stability and security of economic and social stability and security. In the implementation of the strategic positioning and mission tasks of the San Gao Fourth and Fourth, in the special audit of government bonds, administrative state -owned assets, fiscal stock funds and library guarantee, the progress of the special bond project is slow and the management is not standardized; the state -owned asset management system Unconscious, property rights are unclear, there are multi -management, and the scale of off -account assets is large; the financial funds are not dial -up, the use benefits are not good, and the existing funds are idle. Relevant departments and units adopt audit opinions to improve the system and standardize management in a timely manner, and block loopholes.

Be a good "instructor" of internal audit

In order to strengthen the ability of enterprises and institutions to "stabilize the economy" and "risk prevention", the Municipal Audit Bureau adheres to the principle of "granting people to fish than granting people and fishing", and continuously increases the in -site investigation and guidance of internal audit work, and fully increases the intensity of internal audit work. Give full play to the "counseling" role of internal trial work to promote hidden dangers from the make up of the aftermath to make up to the resolution of the prophets. Recently, the Municipal Audit Bureau conducted internal audit site guidance and research on 17 units including the Education Bureau of Beihu District, the Guiyang County Education Bureau, the Municipal First People's Hospital, the Municipal People's Bank of China, and Yundian International. The personnel in the library participated in the training of "review", which improved the overall level of internal audit teams. The active role of the city's internal audit work in improving internal management, blocking loopholes, preventing risks, improving performance, promoting high -quality economic development, and promoting anti -corruption and integrity are further demonstrated.

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