Some people in Lijiang will get credit cards.Be careful!

Author:Lijiang Read Time:2022.08.02

Swipe your card, credit card, swipe card!

Nowadays, many consumers are used to spending with credit cards, and installment services and merchant activities have improved the consumption experience.

Of course, many people use credit cards to spend in advance, and because they have no ability to repay, they face overdue problems.

As a result, many people chose to repay the credit card by card breeding, but because there is a threshold for regular credit cards, some informal channels have been selected.

Then, how much risks existing these cards do not know much about these cardholders.

Regardless of credit reporting black and white households, can you get a credit card at will?

Recently, the small advertisements on the bus platform near the village of the middle of Xue Mountain Road attracted the attention of the read.

The small advertisement is yellow -bottomed, and it is written with the words "Acting in Hong Kong Credit Card". If you look closely, you also write the words "Ignoring credit black and white households, high quotas, low interest rates, and fast end".

Can such a high person be able to apply for credit cards at will across the layers of review?

Although Reading Benjun's wealth is free, for the purpose of exposing illegal acts, the QR code on the small advertisement was identified, and the other party WeChat was added.

As soon as it was added, the other party issued four cooperative banks, and explained that the single card was approved by 50,000, and the maximum can apply for a maximum of 200,000. One person can apply for four banks at the same time. According to the other party's speech, if the four banks who cooperate with him at the same time, the lowest credit card can be approved at the same time at the same time.

The credit card process sent by the other party

The other party said that they would pack Reading Jun into a senior manager who worked in a Hong Kong company with a monthly salary of 100,000, which was convenient for credit cards.

The monthly income is only 100,000. Reading Benjun smiled, and continued to pretend to be calmly that these cooperative banks did not have Lijiang. Are you sure you can successfully handle it?

The other party claims that he is from Guangdong, which is processed in the field and handling credit cards from the Reading Benjun will not affect personal credit reporting.

Subsequently, he sent the information to be filled in, including name, mobile phone number, ID number, company address, and even parents, colleagues' names and contact information.

He said that he would not leak personal information, and if it was used normally, he would not affect life. The charging standard for credit cards is 6 points, such as the credit card limit is 10,000 yuan, which requires a fee of 600 yuan.

Is this really the case?

Credit card cats are much greasy, "four traps" need to be vigilant

In the society, some people in the society use the banner of "high credit cards" to deceive consumers 'personal information and money, infringe on consumers' property security rights, and disrupt the normal financial market environment. Reading Benjun hopes that everyone will understand the "four traps" of credit cards.

Trap 1: "Goose Passing Mao"

Black intermediaries are bait with "cooperative relationships with banks, high card quotas", and "to pay for related fees to use" as the grounds that they deceive consumers to pay high fees.

Tip: Regular channels do not charge the "card handling fee" when applying for a credit card.

Trap 2: "Cross the river to disassemble the bridge"

Black agencies induce consumers to conduct large amounts of transfer or consumption through the APP or SMS verification code through the asset review, and promise that consumers will return funds. Once consumers transfer money, it is required to transfer a large amount of funds for the thawing of the account for the "password error", which causes consumers to fall into a serial transfer scam.

Tip: Application for credit cards for regular channels will not require consumers to transfer capital inspection.

Trap 3: "Empty Gloves White Wolf"

"Black intermediary" requires consumers to provide consumers with personal sensitive information such as ID numbers, family address, contact information, work units, account information, etc., and then sell consumer information to others or engage in illegal activities.

Tip: Please keep your personal documents properly. By writing the use of your use of use, "copying invalid" and other words, you can prevent personal information from being used for him.

Trap 4: "Dove occupied the nest"

"Black Intermediary" after applying for a credit card or loan provided by consumers, malicious overdrafts of the card will not only infringe the economic benefits of consumers, but also lead to a bad record for consumer credit reporting and have a series of negative impacts.

Tip: Once you encounter a card stolen, please contact the bank immediately for the loss and call the police in time.

A credit card is not good, and it is even more important to post small advertisements!

Paste, spray, and emit illegal advertisements will face severe punishment

As early as September last year, the Ancient City Branch of Lijiang Public Security Bureau issued the "Notice on Based on the Campaign of Paste, Spraying, Expiring illegal Small Advertising Implementation of illegal Criminal Activities", which clarified that some actions would face severe punishment.

A small illegal advertisement not only hides layers of traps, but also an uncivilized performance.

Reading Benjun also reminds everyone that while improving the ability to identify, they must also be civilized people and do civilized things. On the one hand, you must not be tempted by the small profits of the head, and on the other hand, you must not paste the advertisements because of your own self -interest. If you destroy the environment, you will face severe punishment.

- END -

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