National Taiwan Federation: Resolutely oppose the division of "Taiwan independence" and interference in external forces strongly condemned Perosi to visit Taiwan

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.08.04

On August 2nd, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan, China, and we resolutely opposed it and expressed severe condemnation and strong protests. The US move seriously violated China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, seriously damaged the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, including Taiwan compatriots, and seriously harmed the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait. The DPP authorities are stubbornly adhered to the "Taiwan independence" wrong position, and they are willing to act as a chess piece for the US anti -China forces. At the expense of selling national interests and the well -being of Taiwan compatriots, they will be tried by history and the people.

The issue of Taiwan is China's internal affairs and cannot be interfered by any foreign interference. We hope that the majority of Taiwan compatriots to recognize that Pelosi is another dangerous act of the United States that distorted the principle of China's principle and brings major risks to the situation in the Taiwan Strait. The true purpose of the United States is to play the "Taiwan card" and "to make China", and obstruct the process of China's entire reunification and the revival of the Chinese nation. Regardless of how the United States and Taiwan are linked, it cannot change Taiwan's facts in China, and it cannot stop China's unified historical process.

The compatriots on both sides of the strait are a family, and Taiwan will eventually return to the arms of the motherland. We hope that the majority of Taiwan compatriots to recognize that the division of "Taiwan independence" is the biggest obstacle to the unity of the motherland. The "Taiwan independence" split forces will only push Taiwan to the abyss of the disaster, bringing a serious scourge to the majority of Taiwan compatriots. The majority of Taiwan compatriots cannot be abducted by the "Taiwan independence" forces, and they cannot be an outsider to curb the "chess pieces" of China. The motherland must be unified and must be unified. We hope that the majority of Taiwan compatriots are always on the correct side of history, recognize the general trend of history, feel the righteousness of the nation, oppose the interference of "Taiwan independence" and external forces, and work together to promote the unity of the motherland and realize the historical great cause of national rejuvenation.

National Taiwan Tongji Friendship Association

August 3, 2022

Sichuan Observation (Source: CCTV News)

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