The safety situation in Heilongjiang is generally stable in the first half of the year!Do these in the second half of the year ...

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.08.05

On August 4th, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Emergency Management held a video dispatch meeting in the province's emergency management work to deploy key tasks in the second half of the year. For the current province's flood prevention work and this round of heavy rainfall, the current deployment is required. Pay close attention to changes in the flood conditions of the rain, and do a good job of preparation, early warning, preview, plan and disaster relief supplies.

meeting venue

In the first half of the year, the province's emergency management system paid close attention to safety production and did not relax, and made every effort to prevent various accidents; strictly prevent the fire of forest grassland, and fully protect ecological safety; strengthen flood prevention and preparation, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the flood season. From January to June, the number of various types of production safety accidents in the province decreased doubled year -on -year, and no major production safety accidents occurred; forest and grassland fire prevention achieved the "three non -occurring" goals, successfully completed the spring prevention task; obtaining prevention of prevention; obtaining prevention of prevention; Ling Xun has fully won, and has successfully responded to many local extreme sudden rainfall since the Xia Xun; the province's safety situation is generally stable.

The meeting emphasized that in the second half of the year, safety production, flood prevention and drought resistance, and forest fire prevention risks were superimposed. The province's emergency management system must start with preventing and resolving major safety risks, fully grasped the 100 -day battle of production safety, and implemented the "fifteen articles" of the State Council Security Council. With the "Forty -Six" important measures of the Provincial Security Commission, we will give full play to the role of the Safety Commission's guidance, supervision, inspection, and inspection and assessment functions. Fully do a good job of security in the field of direct management, continue to strengthen safety supervision, and severely crack down on the "three violations" behavior. Fully focus on flood prevention, drought resistance and forest grassland prevention and fire, continuously compact the responsibility for preventing and extinguishing fire and fire from forest grassland, increased hidden dangers to investigate and rectify, and resolutely prevent people from fire.

The meeting requested that the province's emergency management system should strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination, and continue to strengthen the construction of capacity. Focusing on the implementation of the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress, focusing on strong style and excellent skills to complete the annual all -year items The task provides a strong guarantee. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, incorporate emergency management work into the "four systems", establish accounts, implement leadership responsibilities, strengthen work advancement, strictly assess and evaluate, strengthen supervision and accountability, and ensure that the closed -loop operation of various tasks can be operated and operate. It is necessary to strengthen overall coordination, concentrate their strengths to do major issues, attack difficulties, solve problems, and form internal "one game of chess"; give full play to the functions of the office of the coordination organization, closely linked, organic cooperation, group prevention and group governance, forming an external "one net". It is necessary to improve the ability of the ability, resolutely be the "night guard" of the party and the people, and use the real work effectiveness to build a safe and stable environment for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Source: Lottery News

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