The State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Public Security deployed a special operation for cracking down on tax refund illegal crimes

Author:Yunnan Police Time:2022.08.05

The National Special Action Video Promotion Meeting of Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime was held on the 5th. Chen Siyuan, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, and Yao Laiying, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation, attended and spoke. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, further improve political standing, strengthen bottom line thinking, adhere to problem orientation, closely combine the "100 -day actions" in summer public security to combat More effective measures, make every effort to promote the special operation of cracking down on tax refund illegal crimes, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

The meeting requested that the public security organs must always maintain a high -pressure trend, highlight the key points, and adhere to the "full link, full factor, full -chain" strike. The tax fraud should also severely crack down on other crimes such as underground money and other crimes provided by tax fraud crimes in accordance with the law, resolutely kill the criminal den, and cut off the criminal chain. It is necessary to strengthen the case of breaking the case, concentrate the resources of resources, focus on key areas and areas, organize a wave of strikes, constantly set off a crackdown, and resolutely destroy the criminal "underground industry". It is necessary to strengthen collaboration and cooperation, closely rely on the normalization of the six departments to crack down on the mechanism of fraudulent tax fraud, strengthen departmental collaboration, innovate working mechanism, promote joint research and judgment, deepen multi -police collaborative operations, and give full play to the overall combat advantage. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen supervision and inspection, improve the prevention and control mechanism, adhere to strict regulation of justice and civilized law enforcement, and actively promote system governance and source governance.

The meeting requested that tax departments at all levels should deepen public security and tax linkages in all aspects, maintain strict investigation and severe trend, and promote the joint crackdown work in depth. It is necessary to strengthen public security tax cooperation, adhere to integrated operations, maximize the role of normalized strike mechanisms, and further do practical analysis, case investigation, supervision and command, etc., and better play the integrated advantage. It is necessary to focus on the focus of work, strengthen the warning deterrence effect, further grasp the carriers, take detailed measures, and cooperate in depth, and further promote clue discovery, joint case handling, and execution connection. We must adhere to the combination of prevention, keep the bottom line of risk prevention and control, adhere to both the symptoms and the governance, strengthen the establishment of the rules, strengthen the prevention and control, and effectively squeeze the illegal space, promote the source governance efficiently, and continuously improve the level of tax supervision capacity and comprehensive governance level. Serious financial discipline.

It is understood that since the launch of the special operation, the public security organs have filed a total of more than 240 cases, arrested more than 860 suspects, and cracked a number of major cases; Return taxes and recovery of various types of taxes of 10.4 billion yuan.

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